Chapter 167

"... Mo Ruiyang... Huh... I suffered [-] points of damage..."

An Yingnian was once again hurt by Mo Ruiyang, and her heart was already severely hit.

Why is Mo Ruiyang's mouth so poisonous?Why is it so poisonous?Is it really okay for him to hurt others like this?

Mo Ruiyang smiled when he heard An Yingnian's acting like a baby.

"Well, I won't hurt you. You should stay in the Mo family and observe the situation. I know you are very smart. As for the mother, don't worry, I will take good care of your mother. Also, don't worry , I will improve your image and make sure that when you come back next time, Xiaohong has already written you a love letter."

Mo Ruiyang played both soft and hard ways, and by the way, he also praised An Yingnian.

Moreover, An Yingnian's favorite Xiaohong was also mentioned!
A little kid, playing psychological tactics is such a joy! He must be a master negotiator in the future!
"Really? Is it really good for me to stay here? And, from what you said, you are at my mother's place, and you seem to be very helpful to me. "

An Yingnian was moved.

In the end, Datou Niannian agreed to Xueba Yangyang's request.

He should continue to stay in the Mo family!Hehe, it's actually not that boring, just like today, it's fun to have the third uncle to accompany him!

Besides, Nian Nian likes the third uncle very much, you know, the third uncle is Guo Hui!

How many days and nights, he and his mother yelled at the TV, "Twice-cooked pork, twice-cooked pork, ah! So handsome, so handsome!"

However, no fans call Guo Hui twice-cooked pork, this is just a "special name" for him by him and his mother.

Moreover, the third uncle seems to dislike being called twice-cooked pork by him, and his face becomes ugly every time.

Alas, but the third uncle looks so handsome when he is angry!An Yingnian decided to stay in the Mo family for a longer period of time, so that she could enjoy the life of having her father, play with her third uncle by the way, and tell her mother that she met Guo Hui when she returned home!

Mom is probably going to be very excited!

Ha ha!Thinking about it this way, everything looks good!

An Yingnian had already started to imagine a better life, and he didn't even know when Mo Ruiyang hung up the phone.

An Yingnian, who was smirking at the phone, finally received a shudder, "Mo Ruiyang, why are you smirking on the phone?"

It was Mo late at night, he was wearing casual clothes, fashionable and good-looking, after An Yingnian hung up the phone, he took Niannian away by the way.

"Yangyang, let me take you out to play. Do you want to go to Disneyland?" Although Mo Shenye was asking, he took An Yingnian away before he could answer.

And what about Nian Nian?Even though he was pretending to be Yang Yang, he was very happy to be Yang Yang, "Okay, okay, it must be fun there!"


After Mo Ruiyang hung up the phone, he went to the balcony. Although he didn't know what his parents were doing in the car, he was very curious, so even if he stared at the car in a daze, it was actually very good!

However, the ideal is very full, but the reality is very skinny!
When he stood on the balcony, the Land Rover downstairs had long since disappeared.

God, Mom and Dad have already left!
Mo Ruiyang felt a little regretful that he didn't see too many secrets, but, but, he thought to himself, after all, father and mother went to cultivate their relationship, so it's a good thing anyway!
Mo Ruiyang is looking forward to, one day, he can have a father and a mother, such a family, how happy it would be!
He is looking forward to it!

 It's the third watch~hehe, please write more book reviews to support Yaya~

  Along the way, thanks to the babies who have been here, I love you, good night!
(End of this chapter)

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