The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 171 An Xiaoer's heart is set

Chapter 171 An Xiaoer's heart is set

Can't hold your head up?Can't satisfy her?

When Mo Shenhan heard these words, he immediately became clouded!

He gave An Xiaoer a hard look!
What An Xiaoer originally wanted to say was not this, why did she say such things out of excitement?
She scolded herself secretly, my God, why do you always say the wrong thing?

This is miserable, if she said this to him, would he...

Do it?Then, the one that she got out of bed?
God, she doesn't want it!She doesn't want to spend the night outside tonight, and she doesn't want to leave her son alone at home!
"Um... Mo..." Shen Han...

He had kissed her again!

What's more, it was too much to startle An Xiaoer, she quickly threw away her hand, her heart was beating violently.

"Mo Shenhan, you are so shameless!"

How could you make her mad at her to death!She, An Xiaoer, has never done such a shameful thing!
An Xiaoer turned her head to look out the window, and stopped talking to Mo Shenhan!This guy is so hateful, so hateful to the extreme!

Looking at his delicate appearance, Mo Shenhan just thought it was funny, her shy appearance was really innocent!
I really don't know why there is a woman like An Xiao'er who looks like a monster and has a fiery personality, but is as innocent as an elf.

"I just want you to know that I can satisfy you!" Mo Shenhan smiled wickedly!
"As for, you want me to be satisfied?" Mo Shenhan's eyes were cunning and deceitful, "Do you want it? Please!"

I wipe!An Xiao'er has completely collapsed, her three views have been ruined!
Is there anyone more shameless than Mo Shenhan?

No more, no more, there is no second one in the world!An Xiaoer hummed in her heart, scolding Mo Shenhan for being shameless!
An Xiaoer wouldn't beg him. Do you really think she is that kind of horny slut?
An Xiaoer thinks that she is a decent woman, and she is not the kind of person who messes around. Naturally, she feels that she will not do the kind of thing of 'want, and then beg Mo Shenhan'!

Although, because of being teased by Mo Shenhan just now, she felt ashamed, and then felt a soft, strange feeling, as if she just wanted to be soft in Mo Shenhan's arms, An Xiaoer didn't know why that feeling was.

Maybe, there is a little bit of desire, after all, the 24-year-old woman, who experienced that feeling last time, seems to be pretty good...

However, An Xiaoer has a lot of backbone. Anyway, she thinks that she will not do the kind of "begging him" that Mo Shenhan said.

Seeing An Xiaoer's shame-stricken look, Mo Shenhan's smile was evil, and at the same time, his heart was warm, with a very different feeling.

I really like the look of making her ashamed, and I also like the look of being with her.

But what that feeling is, but I can't tell, I can't explain.

very subtle.

It made An Xiaoer feel that she wanted to prove to An Xiaoer that she was not that kind of weak and incompetent person.

But, at the same time, it also expressed the fact that he wanted her!

An Xiaoer, what a goblin!

There are very few women who just sit. An Xiaoer is an exception.

However, he wasn't going to touch her!
Why?Because he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, Mo Shenhan planned in his heart that he would consume her, untie her heart little by little, and occupy the position in her heart little by little!
Really think what Mo Shenhan said, letting her be his woman is as simple as giving his body to him?
Her heart, he also decided!
 Aww, Yaya started writing again and became nympho to Mo Shenhan, what should I do if the swelling is swollen~ Please recommend it~

(End of this chapter)

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