The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 172 The Most Beautiful Love Chapter

Chapter 172 The Most Beautiful Love Story
Seeing her looking out of the window shyly and not looking at her anymore, it was almost seven o'clock at this time, and he hadn't eaten yet.

Then he drove the car and took An Xiaoer to dinner.

The prices on the menu are all no less than three digits. Mo Shenhan gave An Xiaoer the menu and asked her to order. An Xiaoer's heart ached when she saw it. Oh my god, it's possible to eat a meal. Her monthly salary!

The food here is so expensive, besides, An Xiaoer feels that rich people always order a lot of food for the sake of face, and it is estimated that there will be a lot of food served later.

Calculated in that way, ten dishes would cost tens of thousands, and her current salary is in the five figures. If Mo Shenhan had the previous salary, one meal for Mo Shenhan might have cost her a year's worth of money!

What a pervert!
Looking at the menu that was brought over, An Xiaoer only glanced at it, her heart ached, she closed the menu, "I've already eaten."

She has already eaten, there is no need to order, besides, if Mo Shenhan waits for a while, we AA, then An Xiaoer wants to die already!
Therefore, she is even more afraid to order!
"I haven't eaten yet!" Mo Shenhan glared at her, and finally ordered, "At least order one!"

"..." An Xiaoer was sure, Mo Shenhan must have wanted to have an AA with her, that's why he forced her like this, the pain in his heart, forget it, count yourself as unlucky, after AA, it is estimated that half a month's salary will be lost!
But she didn't dare to resist what he said, so she could only silently order a dish of her favorite seafood. Anyway, the money was going to be paid, so she decided to have a full meal and choose her favorite food!
Mo Shenhan looked at An Xiaoer's pained face, and felt a little ashamed, but he ignored her, ordered two steaks, then added two more dishes, and asked the waiter to prepare them.

An Xiaoer looked at Mo Shenhan and ordered different things, and was stunned for a long time! a bit inconsistent...her impression of rich people!

Shouldn't it be the kind that orders a lot, and the table may not be able to fit it?
but?Still secretly relieved, fortunately she will not go bankrupt.

When the waiter was leaving, An Xiaoer looked at Mo Shenhan inquiringly, "Mo Shenhan, why don't you take another look?"

Mo Shenhan supported his chin with one hand, a little lazy, but he still raised his eyebrows without losing his dignity, "Why, you don't have enough food?"

"No, I'm just curious. Don't rich people like to order a lot of dishes and can't finish them?" An Xiaoer replied, she is already full, how can there be enough food? !

"Oh..." Hearing what An Xiaoer said, Mo Shenhan said flatly, and finally said, "I don't like to waste."

"Hmm~" An Xiaoer was suddenly taken aback by his move.

It turns out that Mo Shenhan still has the virtue of thrift? !

I silently give him a thumbs up in my heart, and my favorability is +1.

Very good!
An Xiaoer felt a little tired, so she followed his example, supporting the table with one hand. She raised her head and looked at this luxurious hotel. The luxurious crystal lamp almost blinded An Xiaoer's eyes.

Thoughts, suddenly drift away~
A word suddenly flashed in my mind, and I said it without going through my brain, "Mo Shenhan, have you ever heard a word: 'Weak water is three thousand, just take a scoop to drink'."

If the water is three thousand, just take a scoop to drink!

What a beautiful sentence!And this sentence, more often, is used to describe love!
When Mo Shenhan looked at An Xiaoer's eyes, there was a hint of deep meaning suddenly.

 Double Eleven is here, are you sleeping in the middle of the night?Are you still shopping?
  Ha ha!Here is an update, please support~ This chapter, Yaya wrote and wrote, and laughed, the weak water is three thousand, just take a scoop to drink~ It’s beautiful!
(End of this chapter)

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