Chapter 173 Thinking of Other Men?

When Mo Shenhan looked at An Xiaoer's eyes, there was a hint of deep meaning suddenly.

Is this An Xiaoer's view of love?Weak water is three thousand, just take a scoop to drink.

Not greedy, single-minded, a couple for life, this kind of love is really beautiful.

Mo Shenhan looked at An Xiaoer, and unconsciously lost his mind.

But she didn't want to. After An Xiaoer said this, she suddenly became sad, "But some people don't understand love and always want to have more. In the end, they hurt a lot of people."

Just like An Fengshao, her mother, loves a man so affectionately, but what?That man doesn't know what love is at all, and having two women around him always makes my mother sad.

An Xiaoer doesn't understand the love of those people, maybe they don't understand love, what they want is to get more, and after they get it, they don't know how to cherish it.

Your own happiness is based on the pain of others.

There was a mocking smile on the corner of An Xiaoer's lips. She actually thought about it, is it true that men don't understand love?
However, suddenly, Chu Qingye thought of it, and remembered the time spent with Chu Qingye in the three years of high school.

Chu Qingye, like a clear spring, his love is very dedicated, and he has never been ambiguous with others.

Those passing times were so beautiful, she deeply missed them.

But why does fate torture people so much?Why did those things happen?What a trick!
She is not good enough for him!

When they met for the first time six years later, she was very surprised and agreed to have a meal with him, but she didn't want to go back to the past, she just thought, if possible, let's be friends.

Just break up peacefully.

However, after that day, she had a relationship with Mo Shenhan again by accident, and An Xiaoer felt that she was not clean.

Knowing that Chu Qingye still didn't give up on her, he just said those words to hurt him at noon today.

She sighed helplessly. Although what she did was cruel at noon today, it was the most correct choice. She just hoped that Chu Qingye would forget her and choose a good girl.

A girl who can be with him forever.

With her hands on the table, An Xiaoer felt a little sad and melancholy when she thought of this.

Mo Shenhan looked at him, seeing him change from anger to happiness, and then to this sad look, he was very puzzled.

"An Xiaoer, don't tell me, you're thinking of a man!"

Miss other men!
Thinking of this possibility, Mo Shenhan's eyes suddenly sank, and he gave a little more warning. If this is the case, and he went out to eat with him, but actually missed other men, he must teach her a lesson!
Mo Shenhan doesn't allow a woman to be with him, and even be ambiguous with other men!

But, probably not, Bi she just told him: Weak water is three thousand, just take a scoop to drink.

A woman who said this sentence should be quite single-minded in her heart.

But it doesn't rule out that An Xiaoer is testing, or taking the opportunity to imply that he should not have an affair with other women.

Mo Shenhan looked at An Xiaoer's eyes with a little extra scrutiny.

And An Xiaoer, who was lost in thought, didn't notice the danger in Mo Shenhan's eyes at all. She looked at the ceiling with lazy eyes, and finally replied, "Yeah..."

Mo Shenhan's eyes narrowed immediately, staring at her dangerously with eagle eyes, "What did you say?"

He really guessed it right?At this moment, is An Xiaoer thinking of other men?

(End of this chapter)

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