Chapter 174
Mo Shenhan suddenly realized that An Xiaoer might be thinking of someone she likes, that's why she said that sentence, "Weak water is three thousand, just take one scoop!"
But it's not right, she just said: "But some people don't understand love, they always want to have more, and in the end, they hurt a lot of people." '

Could it be that An Xiaoer was abandoned by someone, and now she is sad and sad? !

Mo Shenhan's eyes revealed a dangerous light, and he stared at An Xiaoer fiercely.

When An Xiaoer heard what Mo Shenhan said, she realized that she had said the wrong thing. Seeing Mo Shenhan staring at her in horror, she was a little annoyed, my God, why did she answer him so honestly?
She was indeed thinking about men, thinking of An Fengshao, thinking of Chu Qingye!

However, Mo Shenhan seemed very unhappy because of her answer, secretly gritted his teeth, thinking, Mo Shenhan must be jealous, right?
However, what kind of vinegar to eat?An Xiaoer, are you too self righteous?Where are you qualified to make Mo Shenhan jealous? !

An Xiaoer continued to pretend innocent, "Huh? Did I say something just now?"

Afterwards, seeing Mo Shenhan staring at him, he had an idea, and continued, "I...I thought of my father, you know, I am her illegitimate daughter, but I don't understand, some People, why are you so indifferent to love?"

An Xiaoer was telling the truth, she did think of An Fengshao just now.

As for the thought of Chu Qingye, An Xiaoer would not say it, because even though Mo Shenhan was not jealous, men are very possessive, thinking to herself that she is his so-called woman, how could he allow it? Your own woman has a relationship with another man?
Even if he just thinks about it, he probably won't allow it!
Therefore, An Xiaoer would not foolishly tell Mo Shenhan that she thought of her first love.

Hearing what An Xiaoer said, Mo Shenhan glanced at her suspiciously, and seeing the guilty look on her face, he snorted coldly.

Just now An Xiaoer's face was full of expressions, including joy and sadness. Mo Shenhan didn't think that An Xiaoer would be happy when he thought of a man who didn't know how to cherish love, so he knew that An Xiaoer didn't answer truthfully.

"What else?" Mo Shenhan continued to ask.

An Xiaoer felt a little guilty when she heard Mo Shenhan's question, Mo Shenhan, are you a fortune teller?How do you know she still wants other men?

However, An Xiaoer is not stupid, she quickly shook her head, "No more, I just thought, I hope that one day after I am no longer your bedside partner, I can leave you and find an ordinary man to spend the rest of my life .”

"..." Mo Shenhan was not very happy, but also because after she said that, she didn't continue to find out who she was thinking about just now.

"Let me tell you, to be my woman, as long as you are still by my side for a day, you can't associate with other men, and you can't be ambiguous with other men, I think it's dirty!"

I think dirty!
These three words severely stimulated An Xiaoer's nerves. A dirty word was An Xiaoer's torment for herself in the past six years.

After the accident six years ago, she felt that she was very dirty, very dirty, so since then, she began to avoid Chu Qingye.

Later, when my mother fell ill, she went abroad directly.

Cut off any contact from now on!
However, An Xiaoer still occasionally thinks about it and feels that she is dirty...

What now?When Mo Shenhan said this word again, her heart skipped a beat. In fact, she was very innocent, but what happened happened to her like that.

"Don't worry, I won't."

 It's Friday, can Saturday be far behind?The third update, as promised ~ please support!
(End of this chapter)

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