The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 176 Isn't This A Photo Taken by An Xiaoer

Chapter 176 Isn't This A Photo Taken by An Xiaoer

The woman in the photo was whispering something in his ear, her appearance was very ambiguous, who is that woman but Mu Xiyue?
The photo was obviously from when he and Mu Xiyue went shopping not long ago, who was so ignorant to post that photo on the Internet?
Although they have known Mu Xiyue for ten years, they are busy with their own lives and don't have much time to go out, and because Mu Xiyue is an actor and a public figure, they appear in public places less often, and this She has been developing abroad for two years and rarely appears in China, so after a year, Mo Shenhan spends very little time going out with her.

Occasionally a few photos were taken by reporters, and because of Mo Yu's influence, Mo Shenhan did not allow them to be released, and the photos were eventually destroyed.

In the past ten years, there have been no outside rumors about Mu Xiyue and him, and there are very few negative influences on Mu Xiyue. It seems that Mo Shenhan is protecting Mu Xiyue, which even angered Mo Bozhi, the leader of the Mo family. Dissatisfaction!
He has always opposed Mo Shenhan being with that actor, but he has been unable to do anything about it.

At this moment, Mo Shenhan looked at the photo, his eyes stretched out, he put his phone on the table, his expression was not good.

An Xiaoer was burying her head in her food when she suddenly felt that the atmosphere was not quite right. When she looked up at him, she saw a gloomy face on his face. The phone beside her was still on, and there was a photo of him and Mu Xiyue. .

that photo...

"Cough cough cough..." An Xiaoer accidentally choked!Didn't she take that photo?At that time, my intention was to sell it to reporters for a good price, but I never did.

Both the computer and the phone have that picture!
Oh my god, what's going on, how did that photo end up in Mo Shenhan's phone?
Without thinking too much, I took the photo over and looked at it. It turned out that someone posted the photo on the Internet, and it became popular in an instant, and then it was reposted frantically.

A large group of people are exclaiming: Xiyue's beauty, Mu Xiyue, is dating Mo Shenhan, the president of Moyu Group?
Piao Qingfeng Lian Xiyue: Wow, our goddess Mu Xiyue finally got out of the singles, and her partner turned out to be Mo Shenhan, did she catch a rich and handsome guy? ! ! !
Big Love Xixi: It's just like a man and a woman, our Xixi and the big president Mo Shenhan are really good-looking, why?
The sow climbed up the tree and climbed: what the hell?Do celebrities like wealthy families?I always want to be a rich wife, but the problem is, how dirty people in the entertainment industry are!She's just playing with Mu Xiyue, right?

Xiaoduo: Recently, the key design of Moyu Group is "Cherish the Cold and One Jade". I am not the only one who thinks there is an inside story, right?

There were a lot of comments, and this blog became popular all of a sudden, and the comments below began to show a two-sided trend, with supporters and complainers, and then the complainers and supporters began to quarrel, and it became more and more intense!
There are more gossips, all guessing the hidden meaning of the theme of "Xihan and Jade". Some people have already begun to gossip about how romantic the CEO is, and Xihan and Jade are the gift that the CEO wants to give to the goddess Xiyue.

There are a lot of comments. An Xiaoer is usually a gossip person. When she sees gossip, she will be very curious and excited. But there has never been a time when watching gossip like now, she has mixed feelings in her heart.

God, why do I feel uncomfortable in my heart?She knew early on that the relationship between Mu Xiyue and Mo Shenhan was not simple, and she had taken the photos before, but at this moment, looking at the photos and comments, she felt inexplicably upset and upset.

(End of this chapter)

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