The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 177 Mo Shenhan Why Are You Stealing My Card?

Chapter 177 Mo Shenhan Why Are You Stealing My Card?
Looking at the photos, An Xiaoer always felt uncomfortable and a little lost, but this photo was still the one she took back then!

While holding Mo Shenhan's cell phone in a daze, a certain big hand slowly approached her.

Only then did An Xiaoer realize that she was too excited and did something wrong. The mobile phone is a personal item, and ordinary people can't take it.

After all, privacy is involved!

But she was lucky, not only took other people's mobile phones indiscriminately, but also got more courageous and took Mo Shenhan's!

This Buddha, can't be angry, right?

Seeing that his hand was getting closer, An Xiaoer felt a little nervous, and quickly returned the phone to him, "Mo, Mo Shenhan... I'm sorry, that... I'm so excited!"

At the same time, I am infinitely sad in my heart!She gritted her teeth and secretly scolded herself for being reckless.

"En." Mo Shenhan took the phone, just hummed, didn't say anything, and showed no sign of anger, and put the phone back.

An Xiao'er was a little dazed. Is this tearing lifeless, or is it the prelude before the storm?
Anyway, An Xiaoer felt that Mo Shenhan was not very happy when he didn't talk much, so she had to take it easy.

An Xiaoer looked at him nervously, always worried that he would get angry and hurt the innocent, An Xiaoer hesitated, "That... Mo Shenhan, I wish you and Mu Xiyue get married soon and become a couple."

An Xiaoer didn't know why she said that, as if she was disturbed by his deep face.

In fact, he just wanted to say something that would make him feel better, and hoped that he would not take his anger out on her because of it, but when he said the words, he even wanted to bite his own tongue.

Mo Shenhan seemed even more unhappy!His face became stinky.

He glared at An Xiaoer, as if An Xiaoer's words made him unhappy, and finally he just said, "Are you full?"

An Xiaoer nodded.

In fact, she was already full. She wasn't very hungry at the beginning. After all, she ate it once. The reason why she wanted to eat more tonight was because she felt that if Mo Shenhan wanted to have an AA with her later, she wouldn't It will be too bad.

"Let's go."

Hearing An Xiaoer said that he was full, Mo Shenhan wiped his mouth and stood up.

An Xiaoer realized later and stood up too.

After that, when she went to the sales counter to pay the bill, An Xiaoer took out the card from her bag with great heartache.

Mo Shenhan saw An Xiaoer's act of 'a strong man cut off his wrist' and gave her a blank look. He snatched the card from An Xiaoer's hand and handed over the gold card in his hand to the waiter.

Mo Shenhan... What does this mean?
An Xiaoer didn't quite understand.

It seems that he has already paid the bill, so this meal is completely his treat, is he here for free?But, since this is the case, why does Mo Shenhan use her card?
After paying the bill, the waiter returned the card to Mo Shenhan. After Mo Shenhan took it, he turned around and left.

He didn't pay any attention to An Xiaoer at all, he seemed to be angry, but also didn't seem to be, in short, An Xiaoer was not used to Mo Shenhan's cold and aloof appearance.

"Hey?~" An Xiaoer couldn't figure out what was wrong with Mo Shenhan today?Why is it so unpredictable?
He has long legs and walks fast, An Xiaoer can only trot to keep up with him, "Mo Shenhan, what do you mean? Since you are rushing to pay the bill, I will definitely not AA with you, but , why are you snatching my card?"

 The third update is over~ The one who reads the article and leaves a recommendation ticket is a good baby~ Those who don’t give a recommendation ticket, you can figure it out, woo~


(End of this chapter)

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