The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 182 Mo Ruiyang's Small Abacus

Chapter 182 Mo Ruiyang's Small Abacus

At the end, Mo Shenhan added, "Also, I don't like to vibrate in the car. It's too exciting. Between you and me, I don't want to pursue excitement too much."

After Mo Shenhan said such a sentence, he didn't know why he said such a sentence, as if he was explaining something to An Xiaoer awkwardly, but he didn't accept this kind of explanation in his heart.

He didn't see that as an explanation.

But what emotion?

An Xiaoer looked at the things in Mo Shenhan's hands, and realized his intentions. It turned out that she was really thinking too much, and Mo Shenhan didn't want to do that kind of thing with her.

However, looking at the things in Mo Shenhan's hands, An Xiaoer suddenly felt bad.

"Your woman, don't be too shabby, Mo Shenhan, do you think I'm shabby?"

An Xiaoer looked at the thing in his hand, and a sneer suddenly appeared on the corner of her lips.

"I mean, you should take it and buy more and better things."

In fact, Mo Shenhan wanted to give An Xiaoer money just because he was awkward, but because of some emotions, he finally said that. However, An Xiaoer didn't seem very happy now, so Mo Shenhan could only helplessly , continue to find a good reason for her to accept what he gave her.

"I don't need it, thank you." An Xiaoer refused, looking at the things in Mo Shenhan's hands, she smiled, "I think it's fine if An's can participate in Xihan Yiyu, you should know that, and I do too Because of this, please."

"As for whether you want to pursue excitement too much, that's up to you. Open the door, I want to get out of the car!"

An Xiaoer continued to pull on the car door as she spoke.

"Are you pretending to me?" Mo Shenhan was a little angry, it seemed that all his sacrifices had actually become a kind of self-inflicted humiliation, although he felt that he was only doing what he thought he should do, but Being rejected is indeed a very beautiful thing.

"No, you're overthinking it. You should know that I don't need it."

Mo Shenhan thought about it, and really felt that she didn't need to pretend, maybe some people really don't pursue money!

But, An Shi, is it worth An Xiaoer's sacrifice?Mo Shenhan felt that it was not worth it at all.

However, since An Xiaoer said that, Mo Shenhan didn't say anything more, and finally let An Xiaoer get off the car without saying anything.

Looking at the person who didn't even glance at his head after getting out of the car, Mo Shenhan really felt that An Xiaoer was very heartless!

An Xiaoer, very good, very good!

Mo Shenhan changed the car and left as well. He wanted to see who posted the stuff on the Internet, how courageous he was? !
Of course, An Xiaoer took the photo, only An Xiaoer has the photo, and An Xiaoer didn't post it, so...

Very likely, it is some little person who is alone at home and playing with his mother's computer!
Indeed... so too!It was Mo Ruiyang's good deed!

Why did he do this?After Yangyang sent the photo, she began to think, will my father and mother see this photo when they go out?Also, what would happen if the grandfather in the Mo family saw the news?

He seems to have made a big mess, and it seems that it will be very detrimental to Dad!It is possible that after seeing this photo, mother will also be angry with father. Is he making trouble or helping father?

However, Mo Ruiyang felt that although it was very dangerous, it was a trivial matter for his father, after all he was Mo Shenhan!Besides, the last time his father bullied him, wasn't he taking the opportunity to take revenge?

(End of this chapter)

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