Chapter 183 Mom, I'm Very Good
Mo Ruiyang made a small calculation, happiness is always accompanied by crisis, and, he thinks, his father, Mo Shenhan, shouldn't be so bad.

Besides, letting Mo Shenhan suffer a little bit is also a kind of revenge-like pleasure for Mo Ruiyang. Who told him not to let him raise Doraemon before?

However, because of this incident, it was a good thing for him to meet his mother. If he hadn't left the Mo family, how could he have met Nian Nian, and somehow replaced Nian Nian to live in his house?
For the first time, I experienced the feeling of being cared by my mother. This feeling is really good.

In the past, his world was really lonely, and he also wanted to become the way his father liked, hoping that his father would not be so indifferent to him, but it seemed that he couldn't do anything well.

And now?You don't have to work hard to get your mother's love.

To be honest, at the time Mo Ruiyang felt that he was in a trance and unreal, and was liked by others. Is it really possible to do this?He obviously didn't pay anything, but his mother treated him so well. In the past, he had to work very hard to get a little praise from his father.

Maybe, some love can be obtained without paying at all, right?Anyway, Mo Ruiyang likes spending time with his mother very much.

At this moment, the photos of father and Mu Xiyue should have been widely circulated, right?
I guess my father will be pissed off when he finds out, and he will definitely find out who did it, but Mo Ruiyang already has a trick.

He couldn't find out where his mother came from, because he hid his IP. It seems that computer technology seems to be very good, although he has only been in contact with it for a month.

Mo Ruiyang, who was still playing with the computer, heard the sound of the key turning the door lock. He hurried over and took a stool to look at the door. It turned out to be his mother.

"Mom, wait, I locked the door, you can't open it." Mo Ruiyang is still very security conscious.

Knowing that it was his mother who came back, Mo Ruiyang opened the locked door. As soon as he opened the door, he saw his mother's smiling face, "Honey, are you afraid of being alone at home?"

An Xiaoer picked up her son, "You are so good, you know how to lock the door, so that bad guys won't come in so easily."

Although it is a security door, it is always good just in case.

"Well, I'm very obedient, and I'm not afraid of being alone at home." Mo Ruiyang replied warmly as he was hugged by his mother with the appearance of a little gentleman.

An Xiaoer's heart suddenly warmed up.

"Mom will ask a nanny to come home tomorrow to take care of you, because your grandma won't be able to live with us in the future, and mom is busy with work, so can you understand mom? But don't worry, baby, I will try my best to accompany you, I hired a nanny to take care of you just because I was afraid that I would not be able to take care of you in time when I went to work."

An Xiaoer explained patiently, and she said a lot, just because she was afraid that the baby would not understand, and thought she was abandoning him. After all, the child's world is very simple, and it is easy to overthink.

"Mom, don't worry, I can accept it."

Mo Ruiyang grew up in Mo's family. He has never seen a nanny or a servant, so he has long been familiar with it. Although he thinks that only his mother and his life will be better, and there is no need for a third person, but in order not to worry his mother, He obediently nodded in agreement.

"Nian Nian is so good." An Xiaoer was so moved that she kissed her son on the forehead, remembering the photo, "Nian Nian, did you do anything to the pictures on my computer?"

(End of this chapter)

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