The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 190 An Xiaoer's Laughing Chapter

Chapter 190 An Xiaoer's Big Joke

As soon as he arrived at the door, he wanted to knock but found that the door was not closed. Mo Shenhan heard voices coming from inside.

"Brother, what you said is true? Is that vixen really seducing Chu Qingye?"

Mo Qingge's voice was very upset, with an angry face, "Brother, Chu Qingye is mine, you must help me, and you must not let that bitch get his way!"

Mo Shenhan stopped the hand pushing the door, just stood at the door and listened, wondering in his heart, who is that woman they are talking about?

Also, Chu Qingye?

This name... When did Mo Qingge get involved with Chu Qingye?
Suddenly, I thought of my mother... She is the daughter of the Chu family, but, many years ago, my mother chose to be with her father Mo Bozhi without hesitation. After encountering strong opposition, she directly severed contact with her natal family.

Mom loved Dad that much, and helped him a lot, but unfortunately, Dad betrayed her, which made Mom sad, and finally passed away sadly.

Most of the time, Mo Shenhan hated his father, and even more hated the two people in the room at the moment.

And what about Chu Qingye?His mother, he should call her aunt!

Although he hadn't been to Chu's house for many years, after all, Mo Shenhan had grown up, and out of curiosity, he was naturally interested in his mother's natal family, so he conducted some investigations.

Therefore, Chu Qingye is the only son of the Chu family, and he is very clear about this.

It's just that there is no connection!

However, it was really unexpected that Chu Qingye and Mo Qingge had a relationship. From what Mo Qingge said, it seemed that Chu Qingye was just like her. What the hell is going on!

If Mo Qingge and Chu Qingye are together, then it really is a bad relationship!

"Qingge, Chu Qingye is your boyfriend, right?" Mo Shenlie asked.

"Um...yes...yes! Brother, I was a classmate with him when we were in Country F, didn't you often see me with him? Don't you believe that he is my boyfriend?"

Mo Qingge's answer was a little guilty at first, but in the end she was afraid that her brother would question her, so she added the following words.

In fact, she just likes Chu Qingye, and Chu Qingye is not her boyfriend.

However, Mo Qingge feels that even though it is not now, it does not mean that it will not be in the future. Although Chu Qingye is always cold to her and does not agree to her pursuit, she did not reject her thousands of miles away, but It's just cold.

Moreover, she often finds excuses to pester him, and he doesn't say anything.

Therefore, Mo Qingge believes that sooner or later, Chu Qingye will agree to her pursuit.

As long as you work hard, you will succeed!

Chu Qingye is so outstanding and handsome, her heart has already recognized him, and when she saw him, she recognized him!
At this moment, I heard my brother say that he saw Chu Qingye with someone, and even sent that woman home, and saw him twice!

How could Mo Qingge bear this! ?I really hate that woman my brother mentioned!

"Why don't I trust my sister?" Mo Shenlie obviously loves this sister very much, scratching her nose, "Look at your nervous look~ You must be guilty? Otherwise, explain Why so many?"

"Brother, I don't have it!" Mo Qingge bit her tongue hastily, her brother must have discovered something, right?
"Oh~ So you're not explaining, but you're being shy?" Mo Shenlie raised his lips when he saw his younger sister's radiant look, and finally said, "Let me tell you, that woman is what Mo Shenhan said. , what about the woman who is going to sleep, don't you think it's funny? This is really a big joke!"

 The second update is over, good night everyone~ Thank you for your support, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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