Chapter 191 Mo Shenhan Knows
The woman that Chu Qingye liked turned out to be the woman Mo Shenhan said he was going to sleep with?

Upon hearing the news from her brother, Mo Qingge was stunned, "Brother, did you make a mistake... this is... too bloody!"

It was difficult for Mo Qingge to accept the sudden news.

"Do you remember the name of the woman Mo Shenhan said he was going to sleep with? Is it called An Xiaoer?" Mo Shenlie's lips curled up with a smile that he was determined to win, "I heard Chu Qingye call that woman with my own ears. An Xiaoer!"

"Brother, tell me, how capable is An Xiaoer to make Mo Shenhan pay attention to her, and let Chu Qingye pay attention to her?"

Mo Qingge felt a little jealous, even though she didn't like Mo Shenhan, after all, they were destined to be irreconcilable.

But Mo Shenhan's excellence, in fact, she also knew in her heart, and, Chu Qingye was the man she was attracted to, how capable was that An Xiaoer, who became a bet between Mo Shenhan and her brother, and made Chu Qingye Ye went to look for her, and was seen twice by his brother!

"Brother, you have seen Chu Qingye stay with that woman twice, they must have met more times! Brother, that woman is really disgusting, I can't let her snatch Chu Qingye away!"

Chu Qingye is so outstanding, it can only be hers!

Thinking of Chu Qingye's relationship with other women, Mo Qingge felt a serious crisis, and immediately took Mo Shenlie's hand.

"Seeing how anxious you are, you really ran to Chu Qingye with all your heart," Mo Shenlie looked at his younger sister and smiled meaningfully, "Don't worry, that woman...hehe, it's the first time I've met her. When she walked with Chu Qingye, people started to attack her, she has been defiled long ago, and I have all the photos."

Speaking of this, he smiled triumphantly, "I have already sent photos to Mo Shenhan, as well as my father and the media, now, I see how Mo Shenhan can eat that disgusting fly! "

Speaking of this, Mo Shenlie's eyes were full of viciousness and ambition.

He believed that Mo Shenhan knew about An Xiaoer's affairs in the beauty club, so he couldn't stand it anymore. Seeing how he still wins this bet, God is helping him.

And Mo Shenhan, who was standing aside, heard what they said thoroughly.

Originally, Cha also found out that Mo Shenlie was playing tricks on this matter, but now he heard these things!
An Xiaoer's experience at the beauty club was actually related to Mo Shenlie.

good very good!Do you really think he is so easy to mess with?
Also, they mentioned Chu Qingye, but they didn't know the purpose of Chu Qingye's relationship with Mo Qingge, and why did he go to An Xiaoer?
Mo Shenhan originally knocked on the door and went in to say something to Mo Shenlie and Mo Qingge, but now, he suddenly changed his mind.

Mo Shenlie is enjoying himself right now!He thought that everything he did was perfect, that he was sure to win.

He was very proud when he stood on a high place, but the pain of falling from a high place made him learn his lesson even more!

Mo Shenhan turned around and left, went back to his room to sleep, until two hours later, the housekeeper knocked on his door, "Second young master, sir, you have been calling you and no one answered, you are about to die of anger, go to the hospital quickly Well, something happened to Second Miss Lin."

After Mo Shenhan changed his clothes, he opened the door and turned to leave. However, he went not to the hospital, but to An Xiaoer's place.

(End of this chapter)

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