Chapter 208 Did You 'Think'?

Is papa papa enough? !
Mo Shenhan watched this rude woman say these words to him, his whole face turned black!

Okay, very good, this woman really dares to play!

She was originally in a good mood, but because of An Xiaoer's words, she suddenly lost interest. Since she didn't want to talk about this matter, Mo Shenhan was not the kind of person who likes to force others, so she just kept silent.

At least, he heard An Xiaoer admit that she liked him!Mo Shenhan was inexplicably happy about this.

He decided that An Xiao'er would definitely fall in love with her and make her unable to leave her. Mo Shenhan is stubborn!
Could it be that one or two words from others can change it?
"Papa papa, right? An Xiaoer, I haven't done it for a few days, do you want it?"

Saying such a sentence, with a strong sense of rogue, Mo Shenhan evoked an evil smile, but there was also a trace of anger in his eyes!


An Xiaoer originally wanted to tell Mo Shenhan seriously that between them, they only need to be responsible for managing the transaction, and the so-called relationship will be fine!

Didn't expect Mo Shenhan to say that?
"What about me?...Are you sure, you haven't thought about it?"

Mo Shenhan still looked at An Xiaoer with a ruffian look, making An Xiaoer blush, pink, not to mention how cute!
Ever since he had that kind of relationship with An Xiaoer last time, Mo Shenhan found that he fell in love with that kind of feeling!
If it wasn't for An Xiaoer's relief, he would definitely hold her every night and let her screams stir up his waves!
Really... Mo Shenhan really likes doing that kind of thing with An Xiaoer!

However, An Xiaoer... refused to admit it!
"I didn't!" An Xiaoer said with a guilty conscience!
She scolded Mo Shenhan N+1 times in her heart, how could Mo Shenhan say such things to her!How shameless!
She will be ashamed to death!
But, An Xiaoer, you still have to lose face, because you actually thought about it...

Last night, when she was holding her son to sleep, Nian Nian slept soundly, but An Xiaoer fell asleep and woke up in the middle of the night, and began to suffer from insomnia.

Mo Shenhan's appearance is all in his mind, what he said, and their fierceness that day!
An Xiaoer really... In fact, she was thinking about it, thinking about Mo Shenhan, thinking about that feeling!Ah, when she thought that she had such a desire, An Xiaoer felt very ashamed in her heart. She didn't dare to let Mo Shenhan know!
An Xiaoer, so you are the kind of slutty woman who needs a lot!
An Xiaoer despised herself incomparably in her heart, her face was blushing and hot, she dared not look at Mo Shenhan anymore!
"From a normal perspective, An Xiaoer, you denied it too quickly. I just said it, but you denied it directly. What are you in a hurry for?"

Mo Shenhan just likes to look at An Xiaoer's shy look, she is so cute!
Just looking at her shy appearance, he already had a certain reaction, An Xiaoer is really a tormenting little fairy!

"I..." was blocked by Mo Shenhan's words!
Yes, she herself seems to have denied it too quickly, Mo Shenhan only asked 'Didn't you think about it', so An Xiaoer immediately replied: 'I didn't'.

God, when I think about it this way, indeed, she really answered very quickly, which is obviously a sign of guilty conscience!
"Mo Shenhan, can't you talk properly?" An Xiaoer was made uncomfortable by Mo Shenhan everywhere!

(End of this chapter)

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