The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 209 The thick old tree, YY keeps on

Chapter 209 The thick old tree, YY keeps on
Mo Shenhan looked at An Xiaoer's lovely appearance, and smiled.

It seemed that when he was with An Xiaoer, he would always suddenly laugh. The man who was as silent as ice began to smile a little bit. When he met An Xiaoer who was originally taciturn, he talked more.

Start the engine, start the car, and slowly arrive at the company, "Get out of the car."

Mo Shenhan helped An Xiaoer unbuckle her seat belt, got out of the car, and An Xiaoer followed.

"Mo Shenhan, you go first!" An Xiaoer was two meters away from An Xiaoer, "I don't want others to know my relationship with you!"

However, Mo Shenhan just raised his eyebrows, grabbed An Xiaoer, and smiled evilly, "What's the relationship between us? What's wrong with just passing by like this?"

An Xiaoer had no choice but to roll her eyes. In the end, she didn't resist and could only follow Mo Shenhan to the company. However, An Xiaoer always maintained a certain relationship with Mo Shenhan.

Just after getting out of the elevator, there happened to be a lot of people outside the corridor. When they saw the president coming out with An Xiaoer, they all gave surprised looks, and then, the audience fell silent.

An Xiaoer was so embarrassed, she thought to herself, now, she is going to be famous!

I don't know what those people who like to gossip behind their backs will say about her.

"Ahem..." An Xiaoer coughed dryly, "Thank you, President, if you hadn't seen me on the way and showed me the first floor, I would have been late!"

After saying this, An Xiaoer pushed open the door of the office and went in without waiting for everyone's reaction.

Everyone met each other's eyes, and after finally looking at Mo Shenhan, they all dispersed.

Mo Shenhan's face was nothing but his usual plain and indifferent face, it was full of strangers not to enter, ordinary people really dare not mess with him if they have nothing to do!

He glanced at everyone, "Why are a group of people standing here?"

"Hello President!" Everyone was embarrassed, greeted Mo Shenhan in unison, and then dispersed. They gathered together because of some gossip just now, but Mo Shenhan saw it. It was extremely embarrassing.

Mo Shenhan turned around and entered the office.

An Xiaoer sat in the office, staring at the computer, not looking at him at all.

Mo Shenhan was also sitting in the office, and then began to get busy.

"Lin Xi, how is Lin Shi's shipment going?"

"This contract still needs to be revised..."


In short, Mo Shenhan is very busy, and has been sitting and busy for a long time.

Moreover, it was Lin Xi who was busy, and An Xiaoer was sitting on the side in a daze. She was a little bored, but if An Xiaoer was to do the work that Mo Shenhan entrusted to Lin Xi, it would indeed be more difficult for her to do it.

He also understood why Mo Shenhan didn't bother her.

Because Lin Xi has been busy all the time, but An Xiaoer has a lot of free time. From time to time, An Xiaoer would watch Lin Xi busy. Lin Xi raised her eyebrows when she saw it, feeling extremely proud!

That look seemed to say, see, I can't do without the president, and you are just a soy saucer.

For Lin Xi's embarrassment, An Xiaoer could only roll her eyes and ignore it!

Since she was bored, An Xiaoer stared at the computer, feeling that the pictures on the computer desktop were too rigid and boring, and she wanted to change to something she liked, so An Xiaoer started looking for pictures on Baidu.

Wandering around, she saw a picture, which she liked very much.

It was a picture of an old tree. Two trunks grew out of one old tree, and it was the kind of a century-old tree. The trunk was very thick and big, and the picture was green, which made her feel very relaxed and happy.

This picture is so pretty, An Xiaoer put it on without hesitation.

Unexpectedly, Mo Shenhan appeared just as soon as An Xiaoer had changed. He looked at the desktop picture that An Xiaoer had changed into, and suddenly laughed evilly. It was sinister, as if there was a conspiracy.

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(End of this chapter)

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