The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 213 I Satisfy You, You Should Repay

Chapter 213 I Satisfy You, You Should Repay

Although it was almost twelve o'clock, Mo Shenhan didn't intend to let An Xiaoer go, and he didn't let An Xiaoer go until he really finished a fierce battle.

An Xiaoer was tired, lying on the sofa, her face was flushed after loving each other, and she was out of breath.

What about Mo Shenhan?He hooked his lips and glanced at An Xiaoer, smiled slightly, put on his pants and clothes, and then helped An Xiaoer pick up the clothes.

"Put on your clothes, don't catch a cold."

An Xiaoer stared at the clothes that Mo Shenhan handed over, and was taken aback. Mo Shenhan would actually do this kind of thing to help a woman get clothes?
No, no, to be exact, when they had sex for the first time just now, why didn't Mo Shenhan be so kind, watching her cover it with a pillow, and didn't see him pick it up for him!
It's fine now, it's very considerate, isn't it? !

After all, it was because he still wanted to continue the second round for the first time!
So, in order to save some time for taking off clothes, I just did that!

Thinking of this kind of result, An Xiaoer was really helpless, and scolded Mo Shenhan several times in her heart!

shameless!shameless!shameless! !

Originally, Mo Shenhan was just kind, but because of An Xiaoer's weird thoughts, it turned out that Mo Shenhan's conspiracy was too deep in the end!

Hey!And what about poor Mo Shenhan?

He didn't know what An Xiaoer was thinking, seeing her staring at him in a daze, he simply put clothes on An Xiaoer!

Look, Mo Shenhan's warm-hearted side is really good!

An Xiaoer got dressed, but she didn't have much strength. Seeing her weak, Mo Shenhan sighed, "It seems that I have satisfied you very much!"

Although I said so, what I actually thought in my heart was: He seems to be asking for too much!
Actually, I feel sorry for her.

As soon as An Xiaoer stood up, when she heard Mo Shenhan say this, she immediately felt very upset. She supported Mo Shenhan's arm with both hands, "Satisfied!? Mo Shenhan, I'm starving to death! I don't care, you have to take responsibility." , treat me to something delicious!"

Damn, he really wanted it too hard. It's already [-]:[-]!
I have to say that Mo Shenhan's physical strength is astonishing. The six-piece chocolate abs are strong and powerful, which proves his strength. It took nearly an hour to do this, how about him?
Come twice as soon as you come!
Do you want people to live?

An Xiaoer felt that if she went to exercise, she would be exhausted for half an hour, but Mo Shenhan dragged her to sit and exercise for two hours!
Yaya!An Xiaoer is really not ordinary tired!

And, God knows how pitiful she is?At six o'clock in the morning, he was called by his father to harass her, and then sent Niannian to school. Fortunately, there was a teacher on duty at the school!

It's great to have this special benefit for Niannian's kindergarten, otherwise, how can you feel at ease when you call her a mother?
As soon as her mother went to An's house, An Xiaoer was in all kinds of inconveniences, and she didn't know whether she was going back to An's house or in the hospital.

I should have gone back. After all, the doctor said there was nothing wrong with it, it was just some skin trauma.

"What do you want to eat?" Mo Shenhan pulled An Xiaoer and left the office.

The company provides lunch, but at this time, everyone has eaten and almost left, and there are not many people.

An Xiaoer and Mo Shenhan went out like this, and happened to meet Hua Yuexia and Lu Moxuan together.

"Hello President! Hello Secretary An!" Hua Yuexia hurriedly greeted, and at the same time smiled at An Xiaoer, very sweet and generous!
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(End of this chapter)

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