The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 214 I like it very much! "us"

Chapter 214 I like it very much! "us"

"Huahua, are you ready?" An Xiaoer looked at Hua Yuexia and smiled back.

In the company, Hua Yuexia has a relatively good relationship with An Xiaoer. This girl who is two or three years younger than her always has the feeling of coming out of the campus. In the Moyu Group, she is more conspicuous The presence.

It was also because An Xiaoer was always grateful for her speaking for her last time.

"Well, the president has been working with you until now? It's been hard work, let's go eat!" Hua Yuexia nodded.

Originally it was just a sentence, but An Xiaoer was a little ashamed after hearing it.

Cough cough cough, they have indeed been "working" until now, but what they are actually doing, An Xiaoer is really ashamed of the word "hard work".

"It's okay~" An Xiaoer scratched her head in embarrassment and smiled awkwardly.

"Xiao'er, after two days, I'll send you some design drawings. Remember to study more, your talent is quite good." Lu Moxuan looked at An Xiaoer and said.

"En, yes, Master!" An Xiaoer nodded and agreed, "I will study hard, thank you Master!"

The serious An Xiaoer nodded obediently, with a sweet smile on her face, which won Lu Moxuan's appreciation, "I just don't want to waste your great talent."

An Xiaoer was immediately very happy, and said modestly: "Master, you praised me!"

"Lu Moxuan, you are very idle! There are so many people in the company who want to learn from you, do you want to accept them all as your apprentices?"

Seeing An Xiaoer and Lu Moxuan talking non-stop, saying "Master" and "Xiao'er", how could they be so intimate?

Mo Shenhan suddenly didn't like it, did they get too close?
"I'm only responsible for teaching Xiao'er and Huahua. I'm not interested in the others. Do you really think I'm so free?" Lu Moxuan gave Mo Shenhan a white look, and said in a demonstrative manner.

In the company, it seems that only Lu Moxuan is not afraid of Mo Shenhan. The relationship between the two is that they are superiors and subordinates, and they are also friends.

"Huh? Huahua, do you want to learn design and drawing too?" An Xiaoer asked in surprise when she heard Lu Moxuan say that Hua Yuexia had also learned it.

"En, yes! Just now I was discussing some drawing with Lu Moxuan, so I was slow to eat." It seems that when talking about Lu Moxuan, Hua Yuexia is always very happy, with a faint smile on her face.

"That's great, let's study together in the future!" An Xiaoer was very happy when she heard that.

"An Xiao'er, aren't you hungry? When are you going to gossip?" Mo Shenhan's face became a little gloomy, and sure enough the women started chatting, and really didn't care about anything.

"Cough, cough..." An Xiaoer smiled awkwardly, and said goodbye to Hua Yuexia and Lu Moxuan, "Huahua, Master, let's go first."


In the car, as soon as An Xiaoer got into the car, Mo Shenhan said, "Xiaoer, I am very satisfied with the two words you just said."

An Xiaoer was puzzled, "Which two?"

Mo Shenhan fastened An Xiaoer's seat belt, and then said, "We."

An Xiaoer was puzzled, "What happened to us?"

Suddenly found that Mo Shenhan was a little inexplicable, huh? !
"I mean the word 'we', I like it very much, you can say more in the future." Seeing An Xiaoer's confusion, Mo Shenhan continued to answer.

"..." An Xiaoer remembered what Mo Shenhan meant when she said goodbye to Hua Yuexia and Lu Moxuan just now when she said 'let's go first'.

Suddenly, my heart felt sweet, is Mo Shenhan really happy because of these two words?

But she still duplicity, "I don't want it! I just said it accidentally."

 Ask for collection, ask for reward!This book is still in the process of PK, please support us a lot!Grateful!

(End of this chapter)

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