Chapter 217
One afternoon, An Xiaoer was still very free. Seeing Mo Shenhan's busy and leisurely appearance, she just stared blankly.

But there is really very little work for her to do, she can only watch Mo Shenhan busy, she is in a daze.

I looked at the time, and it was already 03:30, and after a while the kids would be out of school soon.

When I sent Niannian to school this morning, I told him that I had to wait for her to pick him up from school before leaving school. I also asked the teacher to take care of Niannian and not let him wander around.

But at this moment, I was still a little worried. After all, the child was still young, so how could he completely listen to her?

I have to find a nanny to help her as soon as possible to take care of the child.

Otherwise, if she works by herself and the child is alone, An Xiaoer will be very worried.

She browsed the website and inquired about related nanny jobs, but she was not satisfied with much.

After finally seeing a few, An Xiaoer sent an email, hoping to ask them to help take care of the children. If you are interested, you can also come and have a look.

After shopping around, I saw that it was four o'clock.

Without waiting for the time to get off work, An Xiaoer finally went to the personnel department to ask for leave and left work early.

When An Xiaoer left, Mo Shenhan took a look at her and felt baffled.

"Why did you leave so early?" he asked.

"I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first." An Xiaoer was embarrassed, and didn't say much, fearing that Mo Shenhan would ask too many questions, so she just picked up her bag and left in a hurry.

At this time, a luxury car worth a million dollars was parked at the entrance of the kindergarten.

A little boy and a handsome man got out of the car.

Who is the man with, isn't it Mo Shenye?Oh, and that little boy, needless to say, is Nian Nian.

As an idol star, Guo Hui dresses in fashion trends
, as soon as he appeared on the stage, many people looked at him at the school gate.

"Wow, is that person Guo Hui?" A mother who came to pick up her child asked in confusion and surprise.

Then, many people thought he looked like Guo Hui, so they surrounded him.

"You must have made a mistake. How could I be Guo Hui? I'm obviously 100 times, 1000 times, 1 times more handsome than Guo Hui."

Mo Shenye looked at the people watching him, feeling a little guilty. Could it be this afternoon that he was going to be surrounded here to block the place completely?
But in fact, I feel good about myself in my heart. It turned out that I was not recognized by others when I came to the school last time. I was the idol star Guo Hui, but they didn't notice it at that time.

It seems that I am not the so-called photo that is completely different from the real person.

So he is actually good looking!The photos are cool!

Thinking of this, Mo Shenye was satisfied, and in order not to let others recognize him, he worked harder to act, "Since you think I look like Guo Hui, that's great, you just think of me as Guo Hui." Come on, ask me to take a photo once, 500 yuan, and kiss 1000 yuan!"

After finishing speaking, he began to win people over, just like the women in brothels soliciting customers in ancient times.

Because of his move, the crowd, which had been very heated just now, dispersed immediately.

"As long as you look like this, you still want to be a singer and want money. Go ahead and dream!"

Someone left after saying such a sentence, and then more people left, and no one regarded him as Guo Hui again.

Looking at the leaving crowd late at night, Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

He said to Yang Yang who was standing at the school gate and watching, "See, as long as you have self-confidence, you can confuse the real with the fake! You can also use it when you pick up girls in the future!"

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for collection!

(End of this chapter)

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