Chapter 218 Meeting Another Child

An Yingnian rolled her eyes when she heard the third uncle's narcissism. He looked very much like An Xiaoer.

"Third Uncle, I know you are very good at picking up girls, but I want to tell you that when I grow up, I don't need to pick up girls, and girls will come to my door. You see, I am so handsome now, and I will definitely be handsome in the future." The monkeys are all falling!"

An Yingnian said extremely narcissistically, that flirtatious look is very arrogant and cute.

Mo Shenye was amused by this kid, and patted him on the shoulder, "Oh, not bad! But I have a question to ask you, why will the monkey fall down when you are so handsome in the future?"

When An Yingnian heard Uncle's question, she felt a little embarrassed. It seemed that she was making a mess of metaphors again. Indeed, even if she was as handsome as a dog, she would not be a monkey.

No, no, it's handsome as Erlang Shen!How could he compare with a dog?It seems that I really can't make up words indiscriminately, it's always very funny.

"Hey, third uncle, why do you care about these details? By the way, I've said so much, aren't you thirsty? I can drink it, so go buy me water."

An Yingnian is the best at playing tricks. Hearing the question asked by the third uncle, he simply started playing tricks, and chose to skip over and change the subject.

Besides, it was originally one of his plans to dismiss third uncle.

"Well, I'm really thirsty, what would you like to drink?" Mo asked late at night.

"I want to drink orange juice, the freshly squeezed one. You can walk along this street, then turn left and sell it. It's delicious. Uncle, can you buy it?"

As An Yingnian spoke, she pointed her finger.

Mo looked at it in the middle of the night, it was a little far away, and then looked at An Yingnian, a little puzzled, "You can't lie to me, you are not familiar with the road here, how do you know there is a sale ahead?!"

Indeed, Mo Ruiyang is not familiar with the road here. In Mo Shenye's impression, Mo Ruiyang has not been here many times at all, only once last time.

And the road they took last time was not up there. How did Mo Ruiyang know that there was a place selling orange juice up there?

Therefore, Mo Shenye felt that Mo Ruiyang was simply fooling him, so he wouldn't be fooled by him!
"Because it's because I heard from my father last time!" An Yingnian looked at the third uncle's puzzled look, and thought: Could it be that the third uncle should find out that she is not Yangyang?
If that's the case, what should I do?He thought about it, so he found such an excuse to fill up the lie in the name of his father.

Originally, Mo Shenye didn't believe it, but now that Yangyang finally said it so vividly, it seemed that there was such a thing, so he finally believed it.

"Well, you want orange juice, let's go get it."

"Third Uncle, you can go and buy by yourself. I want to stay in the car. I won't run around. I'll wait for you when you come back, okay?"

An Yingnian had a ghost idea in her heart, she wanted to dismiss third uncle, wait for Yangyang to leave school, and finally trade him back with him!

Although the Mo family has everything, there are a lot of delicious food, which always open his eyes, but, it's so boring!

You are there alone and there is no one to play with him, and you still have to pretend to be Yang Yang, and he is always worried that if someone recognizes that he is not, Yang Yang will be kicked out.

After staying for a few days, I get tired of it, and it's still the most comfortable to be around my mother, so he doesn't care what Yang Yang said!
Although, he also hopes that his parents can be together, but he doesn't think that he can really help if he stays in the Mo family!

At this moment, it just wants to go home and return to its mother!

(End of this chapter)

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