The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 220 Child, do you know how much I miss you?

Chapter 220 Child, do you know how much I miss you?
"Mom!" An Yingnian was very excited when she saw An Xiaoer, and ran over quickly.

Hugging An Xiaoer in a hug, "Ah, mom, mom, Nian Nian, I miss you so much."

As he said that, he suddenly cried sadly, very excited, and missed his mother so much!

I am really happy to see my mother now!
After all, An Yingnian has been by her mother's side since she was a child, and she has never been away from her mother for so many days. It is quite normal to be so excited now.

"Baby, what's the matter with you? Are you okay, isn't mother here?" An Xiaoer saw An Yingnian's excited look, of course she was very happy as a mother, and immediately hugged the child.

It was only later that she realized that the clothes her child was wearing this morning weren't this one?

How could it change in one day!
"Nian Nian, why did your clothes change?" An Xiaoer was puzzled and asked An Yi Nian.

"Mom, I...I..."

When asked by An Xiaoer, An Yingnian didn't know how to answer, she couldn't tell her mother that she actually went to her father's place these few days and came back now, right?
And if that's the case, what will Yangyang do?

Although he really wanted to go home, but he didn't want to make Yang Yang sad, so he was in a hurry now.

In the end, "I..." couldn't say anything for a long time.

"You child, what's the matter, did the teacher scold you?" An Xiaoer saw An Yingnian's excited but aggrieved but speechless appearance, and felt that he was a little puzzled.

"No..." An Yingnian shook her head, thinking, he didn't even go to school these days, where did the teacher scold him.

But he didn't know how to explain it to his mother, so he was very distressed.

At this moment, An Xiaoer saw a little boy standing not far away.

She was startled!Quickly pulled away An Yingnian who was holding her.

Then I took a closer look, these two children actually look exactly the same?
Like a bomb that exploded in her mind suddenly, An Xiaoer suddenly felt her mind go blank!
The kid was wearing a school uniform, apparently the same one he was wearing when he went out this morning!

When An Xiaoer was in a daze, the child stared blankly at her for nearly a minute, then turned around and was about to leave.

An Xiaoer panicked, and quickly grabbed the hand of her son beside her, and chased after the child who was standing not far away!
"Stop!" An Xiaoer finally pulled him back!
This time, Mo Ruiyang finally stopped, but he was so flustered, so flustered!

Since An Yingnian is back, is it time for him to go home?Are you leaving mom?
Although he didn't get along with his mother for a short time, Mo Ruiyang was very happy every day. He had never been so happy for a moment!

In short, during these days at his mother's house, Mo Ruiyang was very happy, but now that An Yingnian is back, shouldn't he just leave?

"Baby, aren't you An Yingnian, aren't you, are you my other child?" An Xiaoer quickly hugged the child, comforting him.

Scenes that happened these days are rippling in An Xiaoer's mind. Before, she always felt that her child had changed too much for no reason, but she never thought that he might be the child she was back then.

Maybe you don't even dare to think about it?I dare not imagine that one day, his two children will be by his side!
An Xiaoer burst into tears suddenly, "Son, do you know how much I have missed you in the past five years?"

 Please collect it!Please recommend!Please leave a message!please!

(End of this chapter)

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