Chapter 221 Bringing Two Treasures Home
Originally, Mo Ruiyang was very nervous, but at this moment he was in a daze, unable to even utter a word, thinking to himself, would his mother blame him for cheating her?
After all, no one would like a deceiving child!

Moreover, Nian Nian is the child who grew up with her, now that Nian Nian is back, it's time for him to go back.

Mo Ruiyang was anxious, sad and nervous, ready to be abandoned.

He can't escape the fate of loneliness, can he?

In the Mo family, he has been lonely for the past five years, and in the future, he will not be able to escape the fate of loneliness. Maybe this is how he will live on!

But she didn't expect that An Xiaoer would hug him tightly, and then said, "Son, do you know how much I've missed you in the past five years?"

With just such a sentence, the dark clouds in the dark and cold sky suddenly dispersed, revealing the sun!
Unbelievable, won't mom let him go?
Mom said: Son, do you know how much I miss you in the past five years?

So mother misses him? !It turned out that mother missed him!

With these words, Mo Ruiyang suddenly lost all his fears!

He turned around and hugged his mother back, "Mom!"

An Xiaoer cried only because of the child's "mom!"
"Mom, I don't object to you meeting Yangyang, but I want to interject first. Let's leave here first and go home first. Otherwise, we will be in trouble when the third uncle arrives!"

"Third Uncle?" "Who is this person?"An Xiaoer didn't know, she was very confused!

Mo Ruiyang reacted to Nian Nian's words, "Mom, I'll tell you when I get home, let's go first!"

"Okay!" An Xiaoer nodded, and took the child away!

She held Yangyang with one hand and Niannian with the other. Under the setting sun, that long shadow was so beautiful!

At this moment, An Xiaoer's heart was more satisfied than ever because of the appearance of this child. Later, they got in a taxi and went home!
And when Mo came back in the middle of the night, he didn't find the child, so he started a frantic search...

An Xiaoer took the child home, and when she arrived at the downstairs of her community, she saw a girl, dressed in rustic clothes, with a big sack beside her, sitting there very disappointed .

He was dumbfounded and didn't respond.

That girl, isn't that the girl she met this morning who was about to run a red light when she was taking her child to school and then on the way to find Mo Shenhan?

Later, when she found out that she was going to go to a relative's house who happened to live in their community, An Xiaoer smiled, and kindly stopped a car for her, and gave her a few hundred dollars by the way.

Just, why is she sitting there?

She sat on the chair blankly, as if she was very sad!

An Xiaoer walked towards her, "Hey, why are you here, where are your relatives?"

An Xiaoer asked her, looking at the sack beside her, it seemed a little dirty, it was not like this this morning.

"I...I'm fine..." When the woman in her 20s looked up and saw An Xiaoer, she was very excited at first, with a smile on her lips, but then she lowered her head a little aggrieved .

After that, she took out hundreds of dollars from her deep pocket, "Thank you for helping me, kind man, but I don't know how to repay you! This is the money you lent me, and I will return it to you." you."

 The third update, there will be another update later, Yaya Yoshimoto is updating [-] a day recently, please bookmark, please recommend!please!This book is in pk today, please support it!


(End of this chapter)

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