The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 222 Lin Xiaoxiao from the Countryside

Chapter 222 Lin Xiaoxiao from the Countryside

An Xiaoer looked at the money she handed over, it was already folded tightly, it can be seen from this that she kept it so tightly that she was afraid of losing it.

"Didn't you say that you came here to work and join your relatives? Where are your relatives?"

An Xiaoer pushed her hand away and motioned her to put the money away.

"I..." Because of An Xiaoer's words, the girl burst into tears suddenly because of her grievances.

An Xiao'er realized that she might have been wronged, and thought to herself, didn't she find any relatives?
This city is very big and prosperous, but there are many people who are full of helplessness here.

Sometimes this city is too snobbish, if you have no money, sometimes you are nothing.

Although An Xiaoer is a native of City B, she still feels helpless here.

Because of her special status, she grew up in an incomplete family since she was a child, so she experienced more sadness than ordinary people.

"If you can't find your relatives, you can stay with me tonight and continue looking for them tomorrow."

"No..." The woman shook her head, "You are really a good person, but aren't you afraid that I'm a bad person?"

An Xiaoer was taken aback for a moment, she obviously did not expect this woman's answer.

It seemed that she lacked some safety precautions, An Xiaoer secretly scolded herself in her heart, but in the end, seeing her pitiful appearance, she felt sympathetic.

I thought to myself, would a person from the countryside be a bad person?
This is indeed not necessarily the case!

"Actually, I'm worried, but I don't think you're a bad person." An Xiaoer replied awkwardly, she didn't know what to do now, should she let her live in her house tonight?
Mo Ruiyang looked at his mother. From the moment when the woman gave her money and thanked her for being a good person, he probably guessed that her mother might have helped her.

"Mom, tell her to stay in a hotel tonight. Isn't she going to work here? Just as you are looking for a nanny, you can ask her to go to a nanny company to handle related business, and then come to our house, what do you think? "

Mo Ruiyang is only five years old, but his thinking is clear, completely like an adult, and the advice he gives is extremely pertinent.

At this moment, An Xiaoer looked at him seriously, and then looked at the other side, the other child stared blankly, scratching his head.

An Xiaoer is sure that the one who is by her side these days is actually her other child, the child who has been away from her for five years!

I really didn't expect that one day, I would be able to see him, and I didn't expect that he had been living in his home for several days!And he was completely unaware of it.

"That's a good idea." An Xiaoer smiled and patted the child's head.

"Then listen to my son's suggestion. You go to stay in a hotel tonight, and then go to the nanny company to handle related business. If you are interested, I just need a nanny here."

Mo Ruiyang smiled, just because of what his mother said, those three words, "my son".

"Yes, of course I am willing!" The woman was very happy when she heard that, and nodded quickly.

An Xiaoer smiled, "My name is An Xiaoer, what about you? What's your name?"

"My name is Lin Xiaoxiao."

"Why don't you leave?!"

At this moment, a couple suddenly appeared, glaring at Lin Xiaoxiao fiercely.

Both of them are very thin and look very snobby.

An Xiaoer looked at them, she recognized them.

Many people in the community didn't like these two people because they were very snobbish, but they didn't expect that these two people were actually Lin Xiaoxiao's relatives!
 The fourth update is complete, please support!
(End of this chapter)

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