The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 226 What a bad relationship with Mo Shenhan!

Chapter 226 What a bad relationship with Mo Shenhan!
Niannian and Yangyang wanted to pull An Xiaoer up from the ground, but how strong is the child?
Although An Xiaoer couldn't accept the fact that her two children were born with Mo Shenhan, she still had to face it and understand it!
She got up from the ground.

"Yangyang, Mo Ruiyang, what a nice name." An Xiaoer looked at Mo Ruiyang, and touched his face with distress.

"So, baby, you have grown up by Mo Shenhan's side all these years, right?"

"Well, but my father doesn't care about me, mother, so when I found my mother, I was very happy, so I dare not tell you that I'm not Nian Nian, I'm afraid you don't want me." Mo Ruiyang looked at his mother, Apologize.

"Silly boy, you and Nian Nian are both mother's darlings!" I miss you so much these years.

"Mom!" Mo Ruiyang threw himself into his mother's arms, this was the first time he was so excited, he started to cry, tears fell, but he had never been so happy for a moment.

"Yangyang, have you hugged enough? If you keep hugging, I will... I want to hug too!" Saying this, Nian Nian also threw herself into her mother's arms.

"Hahaha..." Mo Ruiyang laughed, and it was the first time he made such a sound!

Really, Mo Ruiyang basically seldom smiled, let alone laughed loudly, which shows that he is really happy!
An Xiao'er also laughed. There was never a moment when she felt so complicated and yet so happy.

Holding her two children, she thought that it would be great if the children could stay by her side all the time, but this is obviously impossible, and Mo Shenhan will definitely not allow it!
At this moment, An Xiaoer's mind was a little messed up.

I don't quite understand why the child's father has become Mo Shenhan. If the child's father is Mo Shenhan, then, does he know her?
But, no, if he knew her, his behavior would not be like that.

She originally thought that she met a pervert six years ago, and thought she was a bastard, that kind of bastard or something, but now it's good, suddenly, she became Mo Shenhan!
Mo Shenhan! I don't know how many women in City B want to get involved with him!
And An Xiaoer was so confused that she slept with him six years ago, and even had his child!

Now, six years later, after she returned to City B, she was involved with this man again, just like that!

An Xiaoer really didn't know whether to laugh and cry or cry and laugh!

There is a saying in this world that no coincidences make a book, An Xiaoer thinks that this is obviously a bad fate!

Anyway, one word, messy, two words, very messy, three words, very messy!
What if Mo Shenhan knew that she was the mother of his child, and also knew that he had another child hidden by her side for five years?

Originally, she thought that her relationship with Mo Shenhan was just because of some inexplicable entanglements, and she never dared to think about any other unnecessary relationship with Mo Shenhan.

However, now that she knew that he was the child's father, An Xiaoer's mind was a little messed up. At first, she felt that she fell in love with him, but now, she was looking forward to something.

It's a pity that even if she expected it, it was useless. An Xiaoer knew that it was impossible. All she had to do was to hide Nian Nian so that Mo Shenhan wouldn't find out.

"Baby, get hungry, let's eat first! Also, if your father knows that Yang Yang is gone, he will definitely look for him. Then, what should we do? Probably not, we will find out that he actually has another Is there a child with me?"

 The four changes are over!Babies, support and support!

(End of this chapter)

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