Chapter 227 Mom, Did You Fight With Dad?
An Xiaoer was thinking of countermeasures while serving food for the child.

What should I do, I can't, she just saw the child, and was forced to part with the child again under Mo Shenhan's power and pressure, right?
The Mo family lost a child, so they guessed it without even thinking about it, and they will definitely search all over the city!
Therefore, it is impossible for An Xiaoer to let both children stay by her side, even though she longs for them to be by her side, but there is no way!
"If Dad knew that I was missing, he would definitely look for me. The reason why I was able to stay by my mother's side for so many days was because Nian Nian was mistaken by the housekeeper before, thinking that he was me, and brought Nian Nian home. Mom, you misunderstood me too."

Mo Ruiyang was also worried.

In fact, he really wanted to stay with his mother longer!

"So, one of us has to go back." An Yingnian replied unhurriedly after taking a bite of the food.

Looking at Yang Yang's eyes, it was a little more: "I won't pretend to be you this time!" 'Emotions.

"Yangyang, why doesn't your father ignore you?" An Xiaoer thought, let's not think about this issue, let's eat first.

"Dad, he seldom talks." Mo Ruiyang said, "Sometimes I don't even see him once a week."

When Mo Ruiyang said these words, it was very flat, without any waves, but, in fact, his heart had already begun to be disappointed!

"Yangyang, my poor child!" Upon hearing such words, An Xiaoer became sad and hurriedly hugged the child.

After that, he slapped the table hard, "That bastard Mo Shenhan can't even be a father, what else can he do?"

An Xiaoer was really going to die of anger!
During this period of getting along, I thought she was pretty nice, but what?It's good now, how did he become a father?Don't you know that children are most dependent on their parents?

Sometimes he doesn't visit his son for a week!
The dissatisfaction with Mo Shenhan in my heart increased, bad review, bad review, bad review!

"Mom, there is a woman who always wants to be daddy's wife, and even joins hands with grandpa to force her into marriage!" An Yingnian hurriedly talked about what happened in the Mo family these days.

Thinking of that Lin Jingjing, An Yingnian felt disgusted, really, how could there be such a woman?
"Also, she jumped into the sea for her father!"

When An Yingnian mentioned these things, she became very excited, "Is that woman stupid?"

"Pfft!" An Xiaoer burst out laughing when she heard Nian Nian's naughty storytelling!
Could he be any more funny?

As a result, An Yingnian's excitement turned to Mo Ruiyang.

"Also! Yangyang, when I was at your house, I told my father that I missed my mother. I said, Dad, can you take me to see my mother? But my father said: "Mom, she... what kind of... ...Anyway, it means...just can't be with us, anyway, I don't know what he is talking about, it's weird!"

Then he looked at An Xiaoer, "Mom, mom, what happened to you and dad? What's going on? Did you have a fight?"

An Yingnian looked at An Xiaoer suspiciously, a little sad, "Dad must have had a fight with Mom, it must be like this."

An Xiaoer was extremely ashamed, and Nian Nian seemed... After getting excited, she talked a lot!This kid has the potential to chatter!
Well, there's also the potential for storytelling!

It's a pity that An Xiaoer is helpless, why is she arguing with Mo Shenhan?She didn't even know that her child was actually born to Mo Shenhan!

An Xiaoer said calmly, "Actually, Mom didn't know Mo Shenhan at all two months ago!"

 small theater:

  (Author's mother) Yan Tianya: Hahaha, let's guess, how did Mo Shenhan find another child later on?You guessed it!Reward...a blown kiss from Mo Shenhan!
  Mo Shenhan (with a gloomy face) (instructing the people around): Ya Ya is crazy, drag her down!

  (Explanation by the way): Blowing kisses is only for An Xiaoer!

  An Xiaoer: Resell Mo Shenhan's air kisses for ten cents each!
  Mo Shenhan: ... (runs away)

(End of this chapter)

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