Chapter 230 Who Is The Brother?

"You have to keep your word!" Mo Ruiyang was satisfied, the feeling of being held in his mother's arms was really good!
"En! I keep my word, otherwise, we'll pull Gogou!" An Xiaoer smiled, very satisfied!

Hooking up her little fingers, she put on a jigsaw gesture and looked at Mo Ruiyang.

"Mom, that was made by children." Mo Ruiyang said solemnly.

In a word, An Xiaoer choked so much that she almost spit out!
"Mo Ruiyang, you are so annoying! You are only five years old, aren't you a child?" An Yingnian violently patted Mo Ruiyang on the shoulder!

Let it out!

Make him look like he's not a child, make him seem very sophisticated, if he doesn't pretend to be aggressive, he will die?

"An Yingnian, why are you so rude?!" Mo Ruiyang was beaten up, feeling a little annoyed, and glared at An Yingnian, speechlessly killing him!
"A gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands!"

"What gentleman, I'm a child! My mother is a girl!" An Ying thought I didn't care about Mo Ruiyang's...'routine'!
"An Yingnian! You are hopeless!" Mo Ruiyang was speechless. An Yingnian, what kind of nonsense is this?


An Xiaoer smiled, seeing the pair of brothers who had been separated for many years, they were not unfamiliar at all, but they were talking happily, and she was suddenly very happy.

Seeing her mother smile, Mo Ruiyang and An Yingnian gave up. An Xiaoer still kept hooking her fingers, so she asked Mo Ruiyang, "So, Yangyang, do you still want to pull the hook?"

"En." Mo Ruiyang replied.

A straight face.

The word "en" and this serious appearance made An Xiaoer stunned for a long time. This character really resembles Mo Shenhan!
Why!Mo Shenhan, oh Mo Shenhan, taught her son to be so cold at such a young age!

Although Yangyang seems to be excellent in all aspects, just like Mo Shenhan, he is excellent!

But the problem is, it's too cold and not cute!Just like Mo Shenhan, not cute!
An Xiaoer scolded Mo Shenhan again in her heart!
"Well, what's the matter, pull the hook if you want! Why are you in a daze?" An Yingnian began to "bully" Mo Ruiyang again.

Therefore, An Xiaoer and Mo Ruiyang made a satisfied hook, "The hook has been hung for 100 years, and it must not be changed!"

An Xiaoer smiled, and Mo Ruiyang also smiled with satisfaction!
At the same time, Mo Ruiyang thought in his heart: Since the object is his mother, it doesn't matter if he is a little kid or a little childish!

Nian Nian took the opportunity to enter at this time, "Also, mom, mom, I want to flirt with you too, mom, you can't abandon me."

An Xiaoer smiled, "Okay!"

So he hooked up with An Ying!

However, An Yingnian seemed to be addicted to sex, and quickly approached Mo Ruiyang, "Also, I want to hook up with my brother, I swear, I will not abandon my brother, and you can't abandon me, brother." oh!"

Saying that, An Yingnian began to pull Gougou before Mo Ruiyang could react!
This is called being the first to act first!
Of course, An Yingnian didn't know this proverb. He just subconsciously felt that he had to say that he was an elder brother first. Otherwise, what would happen if he was snatched away by Mo Ruiyang later?
"An Yingnian, are you sure you are my brother?"

The corner of Mo Ruiyang's lips curled up into a slight smile, and he looked a bit dark, "We agreed before, whoever gets good grades will be the elder brother!"

An Yingnian couldn't calm down anymore, "I never said that!"

"I have a recording on the phone, do you want to listen to it?" Mo Ruiyang knew that An Yingnian would play tricks, so he hurriedly said again!
An Yingnian wanted to cry, but no tears, woo woo, he was tricked by Mo Ruiyang again!

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  In addition, I recommend a dirty article by a good gay friend, "Hidden Marriage and Sweet Love: Leng Ao Jun Shao, I'm Sorry" is wonderful and not to be missed!

(End of this chapter)

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