Chapter 231 Calling Dad So Smoothly

The mother and son were joking while eating, having a great time!
At this time, the Mo family has already exploded!
Mo came back from shopping late at night, only to find that the person was gone, and he panicked immediately!
As soon as I looked for the fat woman in the small shop, she was stunned, "Didn't he go home with his mother?"

Now, Mo Shenye was so annoyed that he just ignored the things and threw them into the trash can in a rage!

"I said you, you're really going to piss me off!" Mo Midnight began to walk up and down in the small shop, "Where did the mother come from? You said you can't even look down on a child!"

"I... this... that child ran over by himself!" The fat woman didn't know what to do?
It was indeed the child who walked over by himself. She thought it was the child's mother, so she simply ignored it.

Unexpectedly, the man who gave her money just now didn't know, and came to find someone!
This is really a depressing thing!

"Could it be taken away by human traffickers?" Mo Shenye may only think of this. After all, Yangyang doesn't know any women. If there are human traffickers, who else?
Upon hearing this, the fat woman immediately covered her mouth in surprise.

"Impossible, if it's a human trafficker, then... that child ran towards that woman by himself!"

What's more, before, she thought that this man might be a human trafficker!

Then she saw the child running towards a woman, and she thought the child was safe, so she breathed a sigh of relief!
"You're really going to piss me off!" Mo Shenye felt helpless, there was nothing he could do!
"I'm sorry handsome guy, or I'll return the money to you, this matter is all my fault!"

With that said, the fat woman took out all the money she had just bought.

"Forget it!" Mo Shenye frowned, and simply left.

Drove away!

Afterwards, he called Mo Shenhan and the members of the Mo family and told them that the child was lost!

Of course, a scolding meal is indispensable!

Afterwards, the city was full of ups and downs, and the police in City B were looking for someone, looking everywhere, searching everywhere!
However, the places where An Xiaoer left with her children did not have surveillance cameras, and the surveillance cameras at the school gate happened to be broken at that time.

Therefore, it is impossible to find someone in the first place!
However, the power of the Mo family, which human trafficker dares to kidnap and sell Mo Shenhan's son, simply doesn't want to live!

The Mo family started a blanket search, city B was stormy, and the sound of police cars could always be heard!
But the onlookers didn't know what was going on, and thought it was some big man who had arrived!
An Xiaoer and the babies were eating, and just after eating, the babies said warmly, "Mom, let's help you wash the dishes!"

Unexpectedly, the police car outside the window rang!

An Xiaoer looked over, "What happened?"

Mo Ruiyang followed suit, and then they saw Mo Shenhan!

this……! ! !Did Mo Shenhan commit a crime?Why are there several policemen with him?
But, it's not right, if you want to arrest someone for committing a crime, you should also go to the Mo family to arrest someone, what kind of trouble is this?Doesn't seem like a catch!

"It's Dad!" An Yingnian shouted excitedly when she saw Mo Shenhan!

An Xiaoer's face turned dark immediately, "An Yingnian, when did you call daddy so easily?"

 It's the fifth change, today we make an exception and add more changes!

  Look at the update I worked so hard on today, hurry up and drop the recommendation ticket, my darlings!Favorites, babies!collect!recommend!Give it all to me!

  If you don't give me a ticket, I won't add so much in the future, hum!

(End of this chapter)

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