Chapter 243

"Shame?" Mo Shenhan listened to Mo Shenlie's words, the corners of his lips curled slightly, "I'll wait and see!"

Mo Shenhan naturally knew what Mo Shenlie meant. Yesterday on the second floor, he heard the conversation between the two brothers and sisters clearly!

Mo Shenlie is really good at tricks, but luck doesn't seem to favor him, and he can only be blamed for being too confident!

How did he know what happened after An Xiaoer was sent to the beauty club? In fact, the person An Xiaoer pestered that night was Mo Shenhan?
"Hmph!" Mo Shenlie snorted coldly!
Mo Bozhi watched them start to fight again, and the original anger turned into not knowing what to do. Both of them are his children. Although they were born to two women, they are both his sons, and he can't do it. To be too partial to anyone!
"Enough!" He scolded angrily, and the fight between Mo Shenhan and Mo Shenlie ended.

Then he glanced at Mo Ruiyang and told the housekeeper, "Old Zhou, take Yangyang to bed!"

Then, Nian Nian was taken away!An Yingnian was puzzled, why did she take her away?He still wants to continue watching the show!
But Mo Bozhi looked at the two sons who were targeting each other, but he was helpless!
Mo Bozhi realized that he was really old, and the two sons had always been at odds, but he couldn't help it.

"Dad, I'll show you something!" After saying that, Mo Shenlie released those photos of An Xiaoer in the beauty club!

"Look at this woman, I don't know how many people have played with her!" He said, looking at Mo Shenhan with contemptuous eyes, "Second brother, you dare to sleep with such a woman, right? What is the disease, but what can I do?"

Mo Shenlie waited for a day, but the media didn't release An Xiaoer's photo, so he knew that Mo Shenhan must have tampered with it, and there was nothing in the mailbox!

Hehe, he really has the means!

However, he saved his hand. Since those are all gone, there is no need to continue to toss. The most important thing is to reveal the things about An Xiaoer in front of Mo Bozhi. This will make Mo Shenhan feel cold. It's very embarrassing, how dare he say he wants to sleep with An Xiao'er?
"Hehe..." Mo Shenhan looked at these photos, and gave Mo Shenlie a hard look, he was really impatient!

Mo Bozhi looked at those photos, glanced at them in disgust, and then snorted coldly, "She's the kind of woman who would do such a thing without even thinking about it!"

You know, Mo Bozhi put An Xiaoer next to Mo Shenhan to supervise him because An Xiaoer went to climb Mo Shenhan's bed and was kicked out by An Xiaoer!
Mo Shenhan curled his lips into a smile, "Brother, why didn't you say it earlier, I'm already asleep, it's just at noon today, it's useless for me to just say it, let me show you the photo!"

With that said, Mo Shenhan took out his phone, it was a photo taken at noon today.

An Xiaoer is getting dressed, while Mo Shenhan is just a picture of wearing pants.

There is nothing indecent about a photo, but just looking at the story makes people guess: there is a story!

Obviously, everyone who understands knows that it is a photo of getting dressed after finishing what should be done!
"You!..." Mo Shenlie thought he was sure to win, but he didn't expect that Mo Shenhan would!

He obviously stopped the photo, so he already knew about An Xiao'er yesterday, so he could eat it?
Unexpectedly, Mo Shenhan pursed his lips, "Brother, even a man likes to be stimulated, don't you think so? This has nothing to do with cleanliness!"

 The fourth update is over, good night beautiful girls~ If there is a male bank to watch, then, by the way: good night handsome guy~
  Ha ha!Ask for collection!

(End of this chapter)

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