Chapter 244 Is This Your Son?

"Enough!" Mo Bozhi watched the two of them discussing this matter, and the discussion was so chattering that he immediately felt a headache!
Especially when he saw that Mo Shenhan took out such a photo with An Xiaoer, Mo Bozhi was so angry that his eyes were on fire!
"That's the end of this matter, don't mention it again!" He seemed to have misjudged his son, but he really didn't expect that he...

But, no, he has always been obsessed with cleanliness, and he is not the kind of person who messes around. How could...

In the end, I felt that it was because An Xiaoer was too capable!
Originally, I thought that if An Xiaoer was by Mo Shenhan's side and looked at him, after all, if Mo Shenhan hated this woman, then she would not be a threat at all.

Didn't you think you made a mistake?
When Mo Shenlie looked at this photo, he was immediately dumbfounded! "Heh... Mo Shenhan, you must have faked the photo, right?"

"You still want to watch the video, and I happen to have it too, so let me show you a short part..."

As he said that, the photo slid to the other side, and then there was a photo of An Xiaoer wearing clothes!

Mo Shenlie had nothing to say, and sat on the sofa blankly. When he thought of what he would lose after losing the bet, he was immediately dumbfounded!

"Mo Shenlie, you know the result of losing. I don't need to say more. I will ask the lawyer to do it tomorrow."

Mo Shenlie's face is very unattractive, and he was tricked by Mo Shenhan like this!
"Dad..." At this point, I can only call him Mo Bozhi. Depending on what he says, maybe Mo Bozhi will help him. Then, the equity that belongs to him will not be in the hands of Mo Shenhan!

You know, the value of those shares is not small!

With that share of equity, Mo Shenhan basically decides everything about the company!

Mo Bozhi won't sit idly by, will he?

"Okay! Now that you've made the bet, you're willing to admit defeat!" Although Mo Bozhi had a headache, he couldn't help it!

He was already in a bad mood, and he had been asking Mo Shenhan to go to the hospital to see Lin Jingjing all day, but he couldn't even see him. The Lin family had already started to blame him, and he was completely ashamed of his old face!

However, he didn't blame himself so much now, for Mo Shenhan and his mother Chu Qiao.

It's a man who is sneaky, isn't he?

"Shenhan, since you said today that you are a man and you pursue excitement, that's fine. I hope you don't blame me for your mother anymore! I don't care about you and your elder brother today, let you go!"

Originally, Mo Shenhan was proud of having tricked Mo Shenlie, but now that Mo Bozhi mentioned Chu Qiao, Mo Shenhan suddenly looked ugly.

"You have no right to talk about her! Also, don't compare me to you!" Mo Shenhan said indifferently, then turned and left!

Did he really think everyone was like him?

Mo Shenhan hasn't messed around for so many years, except for the woman six years ago, there is only An Xiao'er!

After he also had a relationship with An Xiaoer, he also expressed the hope that there would be feelings and romance between them, not like someone, just playing casually!

Mo Bozhi looked at Mo Shenhan's leaving back, stood up, snorted and walked away!
Liu Piaolan sighed, looked at Mo Shenlie and her son Mo Shenye, "They all went back!"

And in the park, An Xiaoer took her son to the park to play, but ran into Chu Qingye!

I don't know if it was a coincidence, but meeting Chu Qingye just like that made An Xiaoer's heart feel very uncomfortable.

"What a coincidence!" Chu Qingye came over to say hello to An Xiaoer, and took another look at Mo Ruiyang beside An Xiaoer, "Is this your son?"

(End of this chapter)

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