The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 246 How Much Do You Want? 1 million, do you have it?

Chapter 246 How Much Do You Want?[-] million, do you have it?

"Then does my mother like you?"

"Your mother? She used to like me very much, the kind I liked very much."
Hearing these two words, An Xiaoer's thoughts suddenly became blurred, and the happy and loving images of the past and Chu Qingye lingered in her mind.

The way he held her hand, on campus...

He bought her breakfast and gave her all kinds of thoughtful things...

When it was cold, she didn't wear much, and he took off his clothes for her to wear, but he caught a cold the next day...

Thinking of this, An Xiaoer's eye sockets began to moisten.

She used to think that she would marry him in the end and live an ordinary and simple life, but in fact, she later betrayed him.

She used to like me very much, the kind I liked very much!
I don't know what kind of mood Chu Qingye will feel when he says this sentence?

It must be very sad.

"Chu Qingye, stop talking."

An Xiaoer withdrew her thoughts, her face turned cold, as if she was rejecting people thousands of miles away.

"You also said, that was once, what I want now is not love, but money, you can't give me happiness!"

What An Xiaoer said, in fact, even she herself looked down on such a gold digger.

Just to make Chu Qingye feel that she has changed, into that kind of hypocritical, vain person.

I hope this will make Chu Qingye hate her and leave her.

So, she pretended, pretending to be the kind of vain, profit-seeking woman that she herself hated.

As soon as love was mentioned, money, and happiness were mentioned, Chu Qingye remembered what An Xiaoer said some time ago that she wanted to find a rich man [[包]] to raise her.

Immediately felt disgusted, "An Xiaoer, do you want money that much? Did you choose to leave me because of money?"

"Yes!" An Xiaoer resolutely said this.

No matter what kind of person An Xiaoer is, as long as An Xiaoer knows it herself, she doesn't want to care what other people think!

She doesn't want to have anything to do with him anymore!

Mo Ruiyang looked at his mother's face, which was as indifferent as the moonlight. He was a little puzzled about what happened to his mother and the uncle in front of him.

Obviously uncle is rich, why would mother leave uncle in front of her for money?
Listening to what they said, it seems that they used to be very affectionate.

But no matter what, watching his mother and the uncle in front of him trying to avoid relations, this is exactly what Mo Ruiyang wanted, so although he was puzzled, he didn't say anything, just watched the show in silence.

"Do you really want money? How much do you want? To be with me?"

Chu Qingye approached An Xiaoer again and again. He knew that An Xiaoer was alone with the child. Although he didn't understand what happened to her, he still wanted to believe that she had some difficulties.

But time and time again, when she asked him to raise money, he was also a little annoyed and helpless!
"[-] million, do you have it?"

An Xiaoer looked at Chu Qingye staring at him and said that, she wanted to use this method even more, so that he would leave quickly!

"Chu Qingye, if you don't have money, stay away from me. I am no longer the An Xiaoer I was six years ago. Now, I don't love you anymore!"

An Xiaoer said this with a cold face, but only she could understand the pain in her heart!

"I give you!"

Originally thought that Chu Qingye would leave, but unexpectedly, he actually said this sentence, he said to An Xiaoer: I'll give it to you!
An Xiaoer was obviously taken aback! -
Six years ago, Chu Qingye said: He is very poor, he comes from a remote village, and he came to City B to study alone!

An Xiaoer believed it six years ago, and she said: Isn't it just money?It doesn't matter now, we will earn together in the future!

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!woo woo woo~

(End of this chapter)

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