Chapter 247 Come back to me
"Give it to me? Chu Qingye, do you have money? I'm no longer the An Xiaoer I used to be. I won't tell you that it doesn't matter if I don't have money. We earn it together. That's the case! I look down on remote rural areas now. people because they're poor, you know?"

An Xiaoer's chest heaved!

"Didn't you ask for money? I said, I'll give it to you, and I'll give it to you right now!"

Chu Qingye was patient and said this sentence again!

In fact, my heart hurts very much. That innocent girl, the girl he loved so much, disappeared for six years, and when I met him later, she became like this, with a child, and every word he said to him was almost inseparable. open money!
An Xiaoer originally just wanted to use money as an excuse to push Chu Qingye away and make him get farther and farther away from her. She had failed him, and she didn't want to continue to have contact with him, and didn't want to delay him anymore!
But, what does Chu Qingye mean now? !

Also, where does he have money?An Xiaoer didn't believe that he was rich at all!
"Can you stop making trouble? You are just a child from a rural family, what kind of money can you have?" As she spoke, An Xiaoer suddenly laughed.

Laugh sarcastically!

It was not Chu Qingye who was ridiculed, but herself. If she had money to help her mother treat her illness before, how could she sacrifice so much?

Up to now, knowing the existence of another child, but can only secretly not let Mo Shenhan know, instead worrying that he will snatch the other child away!

Money, what a good thing!What about her?But I have always been unable to hold back the self-esteem in my heart, and I always feel that a gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way!
Therefore, she has been unwilling to be with those old men, unwilling to sacrifice herself.

If she was more powerful, maybe she wouldn't be so downcast, right?
Thinking about this, An Xiaoer suddenly smiled, a bright smile and then mocked.

[-] million, do you just give it if you say it?

Was Chu Qingye fooled by her anger?

And Chu Qingye looked at the sneering smile on An Xiaoer's lips, and suddenly felt a little depressed. So, she really changed?

Are the words false and the eyes false?

An Xiaoer, has she turned into a complete gold digger who dislikes the poor and loves the rich? !

Was she laughing at him just now?Because of his previous impression, he felt that he had no money, so when he mentioned money now, he smiled sarcastically.

Chu Qingye took out his wallet and found the check, and wrote down a series of numbers in a swipe, and held it in front of An Xiaoer, "Do you not believe that I can give you the money you want? Take it Bar!"

An Xiaoer was stunned for a long time, and took it over to have a look!
She counted the zeros after that for a long time, but she kept making mistakes. She didn't know how many zeros it was. After counting it several times, she finally confirmed that it was eight zeros!

[-] million!no more, no less!

An Xiaoer is a little silly!
"An Xiaoer, I don't know why. You have become like this. From the beginning to the end, everything you have said to me has always been about money! An Xiaoer, is money really that important to you? You know Is it? You have become like this, so scary and disgusting!"

Saying that, Chu Qingye went to hold her hand, "I don't know what happened to you in the past six years and why you became like this! If you want money, I can give it to you! But, in the future Stop talking about money, okay? Come back to me, we will still be the same as before, I will take care of you and the children, I won't mind!"

 The fourth update is over~ ouch~ so fast!Unknowingly, this book has already written 28, but I feel that I have just written it, hahaha~ This is the end of today’s update, babes, Yaya is going out for a while~ See you tomorrow~
  Tomorrow may usher in a new round of PK, so, my dears, your favorites, recommendations, book reviews, rewards, whatever you have come here!

(End of this chapter)

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