The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 249 The Gangster's Crisis, Help!

Chapter 249 The Gangster's Crisis, Help!
An Xiaoer was surprised by Chu Qingye's sudden identity, but her eyes were wide open, but she couldn't be happy at all.

"So you're lying to me?" An Xiaoer's lips suddenly flashed a hint of sarcasm, "Chu Qingye, you shouldn't have lied to me!"

Taking the banknote from Mo Ruiyang's hand, he took another look at the banknote on it, and returned it to Chu Qingye.

"Actually, I lied to you too. I didn't talk to anyone about money, but to you." An Xiaoer suddenly flashed a smile.

"Also, not long ago, I tore up a [-] million check! I don't want to tear up this one, so I'll return it to you."

She is not a gold digger, in fact, she is not a gold digger at all!I just want to use this method to make Chu Qingye leave her and not to disturb her life anymore.

Chu Qingye stared blankly at An Xiao'er, heard what she said, frowned, and stood there without responding.

Now he finally understood that An Xiaoer actually just wanted to reject him, and any money or not was just an excuse.

Why is this so?

Could it be that he did something wrong six years ago?That's why An Xiaoer suddenly disappeared...

Chu Qingye didn't go to pick up the banknote, but just looked at An Xiaoer, even more puzzled, but An Xiaoer smiled very beautifully.

"Please don't bother me in the future, no matter whether you have money or not, I don't want me to have anything to do with you in the future."

An Xiaoer stuffed the money into Chu Qingye's hand, then took Mo Ruiyang's hand, "Honey, let's go to the other side to play!"

Then, he took Mo Ruiyang's hand and walked slowly away.

Chu Qingye looked at An Xiaoer who had already left, and was stunned for a long time. At that moment, loss and anger came over him, "Since you don't want it, and you don't want to tear it up, then I will tear it up for you!"

As he said that, he tore it up, just like An Xiaoer threw it in the air after tearing it up last time, covering the ground like snowflakes.

An Xiaoer stopped in her tracks without turning her head, her indifferent voice shuttled through the night.

"It's okay, you can tear it up if you want, it's just a piece of paper, and even if it's money, it's still your money, you can tear it up however you like, it has nothing to do with me!"

After saying these words cruelly, he took his son's hand and left quickly.

Chu Qingye froze in place, without the courage to catch up.

As soon as he returned to China, after hearing the news about An Xiaoer, he immediately came to find her, and what about her?After six years of disappearance, the indifference towards him is as if I don't know him anymore!
I really don't know why An Xiaoer's heart became so cruel, so strange, so strange that Chu Qingye watched her leaving shadow, but dared not catch up.

But, why did she leave as soon as she said she would, and stop loving if she said she didn't love her?
Chu Qingye was not reconciled. After standing there for several minutes, he resolutely chose to pursue a result. She must give him a reason, right? !
So, Chu Qingye chased her out, but she didn't know where An Xiaoer had gone. Chu Qingye kept searching, but couldn't find it!

Suddenly there was a sharp voice, "Ah..."

Chu Qingye was startled, the voice was a bit like An Xiaoer's voice, when he turned his head, he saw An Xiaoer lying on the ground, and two men were about to rush up to teach her a lesson!

Chu Qingye didn't think too much, rushed up and fought those two people!
The three of them were huddled together. After that, An Xiaoer saw a lot of blood flowing on the ground...

 Woohoo!Yaya continues to ask for recommendation tickets, bookmark, leave a message, and give a reward~ Aww, today is a new round of pk, please everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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