The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 250 Who will save her and her son?

Chapter 250 Who will save her and her son?
An Xiaoer took Mo Ruiyang to the amusement park, but when passing there, there was a place where there were fewer people and it was darker.

Surrounded by trees, there are artificial lakes, full of lotus.

The humidity is a little heavy tonight.

In the past, when An Xiaoer was bored, she would bring An Yingnian here to play. When she came here for the first time, she felt that there were no people here, and it was relatively dark, and she was worried about danger!

So when you first come here, you will be more careful, and then you get used to it, and there will be people running past here, and there are monitoring and the like.

This time, An Xiaoer took Mo Ruiyang to this side, but An Xiaoer just held her son's hand, "Yangyang, are you afraid? It's indeed a little dark here, but my mother used to bring Nian Nian here, so there's no danger."

Mo Ruiyang looked at his mother and nodded, "Let's just walk faster."

Mo Ruiyang took his mother's hand and walked quickly. By the way, Mo Ruiyang was curious about the relationship between his mother and that uncle, so he asked, "Mom, that uncle named Chu just now, you used to be lovers." ?"

"En." An Xiaoer nodded and replied.

"But later, my mother was sorry for him, so now my mother doesn't want to have anything to do with him."

"Is it because of dad?" Mo Ruiyang asked, rolling his eyes.

Speaking of which, Mo Ruiyang doesn't even know the experiences of his mother and father!

He was very curious. His mother said that she didn't know that the father of the two brothers was Mo Shenhan before, and why.

I can't think of it at all!If the mother does not know the father, then where does the child come from?

But my mother didn't seem to be very willing to say it, so Mo Ruiyang finally didn't ask at that time.

Now seeing another uncle, he seems to like his mother very much, and he can actually feel that his mother likes him.

But why?
"No." An Xiaoer shook her head, "Honey, let's go play!"

An Xiaoer obviously didn't want to talk, so she changed the subject.

Mo Ruiyang knew what his mother meant, so he didn't ask again.

Just as I was about to walk towards the playground with my mother, a man suddenly grabbed my mother's hand!
"Ah?..." An Xiaoer cried out because of her fright!
Seeing that something was wrong, Mo Ruiyang quickly dragged his mother to run, but was pushed by the man, and An Xiaoer fell to the ground.

She tried her best to protect Mo Ruiyang, so Mo Ruiyang fell on An Xiaoer's body.

It was a thin man with long hair and slender eyes.

Seeing An Xiaoer lying on the ground, he suddenly smiled, "Someone asked me to give you a hard lesson, and I was only doing things for others. I only blame you for being too stupid for offending people you shouldn't have offended."

After that, a man jumped out from the other side, and the two of them were going to pull An Xiaoer.

"Pull it a little deeper into the woods!" said a man, speaking in a tone of deep meaning.

An Xiaoer felt that she was in danger!

What's going on recently, always in danger!

Recalling the last time she was dragged into the car downstairs in the community, and the experience in the beauty club, she was afraid when she thought about it. At that time, fortunately, Mo Shenhan was there, and Mo Shenhan rescued her!
What about this time?

what to do?An Xiaoer suddenly regretted it. Why was she so restless and wanted to bring Mo Ruiyang here?

It doesn't matter if something happens to me, what if something happens to Mo Ruiyang?In that case, she will definitely blame herself to death!

However, Chu Qingye appeared!
 Ah ah ah ah ah!Babes, please collect, please recommend, if I can make it to the third round of pk, I will add more!

(End of this chapter)

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