The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 251 Do You Still Love Him?You can't do anything!

Chapter 251 Do You Still Love Him?You can't do anything!

When he saw the two gangsters approaching An Xiaoer, he didn't think about anything. One of them went up and pushed one of the gangsters!
Then, he punched him several times!
Seeing this, another gangster hurried up to teach Chu Qingye a lesson!

However, Chu Qingye's skill is obviously very good!

With one kick, that person was kicked away!

Then, following these two people, they began to tear each other together, and gave them a hard lesson!
Chu Qingye is one against two!Got the upper hand!
An Xiaoer originally thought that something would happen to her tonight, and she was worrying about what to do!
At this time, Chu Qingye appeared, and An Xiaoer was dumbfounded!

Seeing him fighting with those two people, she stared blankly, without responding for a long time!

"Mom, call someone!" Mo Ruiyang grabbed his mother!

Then they stood up and started shouting, "Someone! Help!"

"Help me..."

However, I thought that Chu Qingye could take care of those two villains, but unexpectedly, one of them suddenly took out a knife and stabbed Chu Qingye's body!

Then, a lot of students flowed out, An Xiaoer looked at the flowing things on the ground, and began to be dumbfounded!

"Ah!!!..." An Xiaoer screamed.

Then, a lot of people walked towards this side. There were monitoring and management personnel in the park. At this time, many people appeared. Seeing that the situation was not good, the two people quickly stood up from the ground and started running!

Then, several people chased after the two gangsters!
An Xiaoer looked at Chu Qingye who was lying on the ground, and couldn't control herself all of a sudden!

Quickly rushed towards him, "Chu Qingye, Chu Qingye! You must have nothing to do!"

Mo Ruiyang was also taken aback. He grew up so big. Although he always had a calm appearance, he had never seen any bloody scenes.

Looking at Uncle Chu lying on the ground, he forgot to react for a moment, just looked at the blood on the ground, then his head became dizzy, and then he fell to the ground.

Looking at Chu Qingye's blood flowing, An Xiaoer cried and held his hand, which was also stained with blood.

"Chu Qingye, you must be fine! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's all my fault! I'm sorry! You must be fine!"

Chu Qingye looked at An Xiao'er and smiled, "Xiao'er, are you worried about me? You actually love me, don't you? Tell me, why are you avoiding me? Why?"

At this time, his blood was still flowing, and his life was in danger, but what he asked was why An Xiaoer avoided him, and whether she still loved him or not!
For a while, An Xiaoer burst into tears!

"Chu Qingye, hold on, I'll tell you when you recover, okay? So you must not be in trouble!"

An Xiaoer was in a panic, so she could only use this sentence to comfort Chu Qingye!

Chu Qingye laughed, and then, he passed out!

Then, An Xiaoer saw that Mo Ruiyang had also passed out!
"Yangyang..." An Xiaoer didn't know what to do now, she couldn't bear Chu Qingye, and now, Yangyang also passed out!
What happened to Yang Yang?How could such a good person faint?
An Xiaoer's tears fell even more fiercely!

"Let's let one let, let one let!"

At this time, the ambulance arrived, and the doctor quickly took measures for Chu Qingye, and then carried him into the ambulance.

An Xiaoer's heart was still worried, and she hurried over to look at Mo Ruiyang, "Yangyang,, what happened to my son?"

 Four more~ Please collect and collect~
(End of this chapter)

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