Chapter 252 Dead? ! ! !
Why did Yang Yang faint out of nowhere?

An Xiaoer was very puzzled and worried. Could it be that she just fell down, where did she fall?

"He's dizzy, don't worry, he'll wake up in a while."

"Bloodsick?" An Xiaoer breathed a sigh of relief, got into the ambulance with the doctors, and started driving to the hospital.
"The operation needs to be done urgently, come and sign!" An Xiaoer was standing outside the door of the operating room, restless, but now she heard the doctor's voice and hurried over!

"Are you a family member of the patient?" the doctor in a white coat asked An Xiaoer.

"I, I am... I am his wife."

"Sign." The doctor glanced at An Xiaoer, then gave her the things.

After signing, An Xiaoer went to pay again. Fortunately, she still had money in her bank card, otherwise it would have been a disaster!
Money is such a thing!It's really a good thing. Only when you need it, do you know its importance.

Now that the work was over, while Chu Qingye was still on the operating table, An Xiaoer was sitting on the long chair in the corridor, her hands were shaking.

Thinking of Chu Qingye still persistently asking her if she still loves him after being injured?
An Xiaoer's heart ached!
Why did God torture her like this?She obviously loves him very much, but there are too many things that make it impossible for her to face him.

Why did you take Yangyang there?If you don't bring it with you, nothing will happen!
But, no, when I think about it, those two gangsters said just now that she can only be blamed for messing with someone she shouldn't have!

However, An Xiaoer tried hard to think back, but she didn't know who she had offended.

Could it be...was it... that he wanted to use her to sleep with Mo Shenhan before, but he hurt the boss he planned?
That's not right, if he wanted to find him, he would at most use him and threaten him to help her deal with Xihan Yiyu, instead of hurting her like now.

However, An Xiao'er didn't know who she had offended, she hated him so much that he wanted someone to attack her!

The person who was injured should belong to me, not Chu Qingye. If something happens to him, what should I do?
This sitting, that is, sitting for several hours, it was already very late, it was three o'clock, and the operation was still in progress.

An Xiaoer stared fixedly at the operating light, and finally after a long time, the light went out.

An Xiaoer stood up nervously.

After the doctor withdrew the person, An Xiaoer looked at the doctor nervously, "Doctor, is he okay?"

The doctor in the white coat shook his head.

"Dead?" An Xiaoer was so surprised that she couldn't believe it!
But even just now, she was still alone, just now, he blocked her way, and wrote on the check so forcefully, the handwriting was very familiar to An Xiaoer!

He loves her so much!
How could this An Xiaoer not understand?However, she felt that she had a child, and later she was involved with Mo Shenhan, and until today, she knew that the child was actually Mo Shenhan's!
Therefore, An Xiaoer wanted to maintain a relationship with Chu Qingye, she didn't want to hurt him!
She was afraid that she was not worthy of Chu Qingye, so she used cruel words to hurt him, but why, in the end...

At this moment, he was already lying in the hospital...

Thinking of the scenes of the past, and the three years they went through in high school, An Xiaoer's heart ached even more. She had dark circles under her eyes after staying up all night. At this moment, she cried even more sadly!
Life is actually so fragile!
(End of this chapter)

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