Chapter 253

do you died?An Xiaoer was suddenly in pain, hysterical!
It's all her fault!It's all her fault!
If she hadn't gone to the park, she wouldn't have met those gangsters!

She is really the nemesis, she is the one who killed Chu Qingye!Why wasn't she the one who died?
"Ma'am, I mean, your husband is fine, it's really lucky, the knife didn't hurt the internal organs, it's just that he's going to be hospitalized for a while!"

"..." An Xiaoer was crying hysterically, but when she heard the doctor's words, her crying stopped!

"Is it okay?" An Xiaoer murmured these two words, unable to react for a long time!
"Do you want something to happen?" The doctor in the white coat asked back, and after taking off his mask, he smiled.

An Xiaoer shook her head, still in a daze, but when she realized it, she immediately wanted to spurt blood!

She had an urge to bite the doctor to death, "It's okay? It's okay! It's okay, why are you shaking your head?"

This doctor can scare people to death!
Moreover, An Xiaoer looked at his smile just now, and always felt that he was good or bad, so black-bellied!
The doctor smiled. He looked like he was in his 40s, and then he said, "I see that you are all young, and you have a very cute child, so cherish it! Such a wonderful family~"

As he said that, the doctor suddenly became sad.

He was still very angry at first, but when he heard the doctor's words, he felt a little ashamed, and said in a very mummified manner, " child is not his..."

An Xiaoer looked at the hanging tag worn by the doctor, with three characters written on it: Mu Ruifeng.

"What? You, a woman, gave birth to another man behind your husband's back?" Mu Ruifeng's original smile disappeared when he heard this, and he looked at An Xiao'er in amazement, unbelievable!

"Sure enough, looking at your appearance and figure, you are not a good woman!" So, Your Excellency Mu Ruifeng said such a sentence!

"..." An Xiaoer suddenly felt helpless!

Another person who is talking about things because of her figure, An Xiaoer feels that she has been wronged. Is it her fault for being good-looking?Is it her fault that the murder weapon is full of weapons?Is it her fault for having a devil figure?

No, no, wrong yarn!Are these advantages?advantage!Good genetics!
Women envy and hate the appearance, she has it all!

"Doctor Mu! I'm very grateful to you for saving Chu Qingye, so if you take back what you just said, I won't blame you!" An Xiaoer glared at the doctor!
"Actually, I'm not her wife!" An Xiaoer said!

Well, I can't blame the doctor, as a normal person, when he hears someone say that the child is not her husband's, he will think about it. In order to explain, An Xiaoer explained that she is not Chu Qingye's wife.

Originally thought that this would clear up my grievances, but!

"..." After hearing her words, Dr. Mu's eyes became even more fierce!
"It's not his wife! What kind of agreement did you sign?! ​​You woman, you want to kill us!" Mo Ruifeng was furious!

Even the doctors around him started to stare at An Xiaoer.

"Cough, cough, cough..." An Xiaoer was extremely embarrassed. Just now, she only wanted to explain why the child was not Chu Qingye's son, but for a moment she forgot that after saying this, the doctor would scold her!
"That... I'm sorry, look, I also paid the medical expenses, isn't there nothing to do? Hehehe..." An Xiaoer smiled awkwardly.

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(End of this chapter)

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