The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 264 Who is the child's father?

Chapter 264 Who is the child's father?
Because Lin Xiaoxiao had no place to live, An Xiaoer told her that she would move in to her house tonight, and the discussion was almost reached, so she hung up the phone.

An Xiaoer didn't know that she would be so helpful to a stranger, that she would even live in her own home and be her son's nanny. Was this kindness too much?

But since it has been done, An Xiaoer can only be a good person to the end. To be honest, I am still a little worried that Lin Xiaoxiao is a bad person.

However, she is from the countryside, and An Xiaoer sees her as pitiful, so she shouldn't be a bad person, right?

In fact, in my heart, I still have certain concerns.

At three o'clock, Mo Qingge came out of the ward, glanced at An Xiaoer, snorted coldly, and left.

It seems to be gone!

An Xiaoer rolled her eyes, thinking of this Mo Qingge, from the moment she An Xiaoer poured water for her and she dropped her, to the quarrel between the two of them and even their hands, and to Chu Qingye's waking up, An Xiaoer My son really dislikes this woman, and even feels disgusting!
When she thought that what happened last night had something to do with her, An Xiaoer became very angry. If there was no Chu Qingye, the consequences would be unimaginable!
If it weren't for Chu Qingye, she might be the one lying here now!
Or, another ending, the two gangsters said that they would take her to the depths of the woods!
Grove!Anyone who understands these three words knows what they mean. This is to trample on her body and insult her personality!

An Xiao'er really felt that her luck was very bad, why did she always encounter bad people who wanted to do something to her body?

Could it be that this body is really to blame? !Her figure is too hot?

Hey, the figure is too good, but there are also many troubles!

Now that Mo Qingge has left, An Xiaoer naturally wants to go into the ward to take a good look at Chu Qingye!

Pushing open the door, Chu Qingye was holding a water glass in a daze when he entered.

An Xiaoer approached him, a little uneasy, afraid that she might not know how to face him.

"Chu Qingye, will you feel bad? I'm sorry, the injured person was originally mine, but I didn't expect it to be you in the end!"

The first sentence he spoke turned into an apology in the end.

An Xiaoer felt a little guilty, guessing that Mo Qingge should have told Chu Qingye about herself and Mo Shenhan!
That woman seemed to be interested in Chu Qingye, so how could such a hateful person pass up the opportunity to belittle her?
"Xiao'er, can you answer the question I asked you last night?"

Chu Qingye looked at An Xiaoer, his face was still a little pale, but his words were very powerful. Obviously, he seemed to know the answer!

"I..." An Xiaoer bit her lips, "Chu Qingye, what is the relationship between that woman named Mo just now and Mo Shenhan?"

When An Xiaoer asked this question back, she actually wanted to remind Chu Qingye suggestively.

"Mo Shenhan?" Chu Qingye read this name. When Mo Qingge mentioned Mo Shenhan just now, Chu Qingye didn't believe her words at all. Now when he heard An Xiaoer say it again, he froze for a moment and fell silent. up.

An Xiaoer gritted her teeth, wondering why Chu Qingye was silent. It seemed that Mo Qingge had mentioned Mo Shenhan to him.

"Don't you just ask, what is my relationship with him?" An Xiaoer smiled, "Chu Qingye, I'm sorry, I can't give you the happiness you want, let it go, okay?"

Hearing the three words "let go" she said, Chu Qingye felt a pain in his heart, "What is your relationship with him? And... your son Nian Nian, whose child is it?"

 One update~ Please collect!
(End of this chapter)

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