Chapter 265 Are You Tricking Me?
"Do you really want to hear it?" An Xiaoer asked.

The atmosphere became heavy in vain, because Chu Qingye asked An Xiaoer: her relationship with Mo Shenhan, and, whose child does it belong to?
An Xiaoer is a little confused right now, if she tells Chu Qingye: The child belongs to Mo Shenhan, will there be any trouble?

Even, An Xiaoer didn't know how to explain the matter between herself and Mo Shenhan, it seemed that it was very difficult to explain.

If you explain it from the beginning, wouldn't it just be about giving birth to a child for money?
"I want to hear, please tell me, give me an explanation, tell me why you left without saying goodbye six years ago, and where did you go?"

Chu Qingye replied firmly, he really wanted to know the answer.

An Xiaoer thought about it, should she tell Chu Qingye?I still feel a bit confused and don't know what to do.

Thinking of that woman, Mo Qingge, An Xiaoer didn't know his relationship with Mo Qingge.

"Then tell me first, your relationship with Mo Qingge." An Xiaoer asked cautiously.

She had to make sure whether Mo Qingge would learn the news from Chu Qingye, and then tell Mo Shenhan.

"A friend." Chu Qingye replied.

"How is her relationship with Mo Shenhan? Do you know who Mo Shenhan belongs to?" An Xiaoer continued to ask.

It always feels better to know some clues.

"Mo Shenhan's half-sister has a very bad relationship." Chu Qingye replied.

But in fact, Chu Qingye had never been in contact with Mo Shenhan, he only knew the name of this person and what he looked like after seeing the photos.

After hearing what Chu Qingye said, An Xiaoer gained some ground, and was about to tell Chu Qingye, but felt that he seemed to know a lot about Mo Shenhan!

Does it mean that Chu Qingye knows Mo Shenhan?
"Chu Qingye, don't you know Mo Shenhan?"

If Chu Qingye knew Mo Shenhan, what was their relationship like?
Will it bring me a lot of trouble again?
Originally, An Xiaoer wanted to give Chu Qingye an explanation, but this explanation was too confusing and involved too many people, so that An Xiaoer had all kinds of worries in her heart and did not tell Chu Qingye about her relationship with Mo Shenhan. On the contrary, she asked a lot of questions herself.

"I've never met Mo Shenhan, and I don't intend to get to know him." Chu Qingye said this.

"An Xiaoer, what are you thinking? Do you want to answer what is your relationship with Mo Shenhan? Also, whose child is it? Is it Mo Shenhan's?"

It seemed that An Xiaoer had been asking all kinds of questions, which made Chu Qingye suspicious.

He was thinking, maybe An Xiaoer didn't want to tell him, so she kept making excuses?
"No, no! The child doesn't belong to him. I didn't know him at all six years ago." When An Xiaoer heard Chu Qingye ask if the child belonged to Mo Shenhan, she panicked and quickly denied it.

"Chu Qingye, I'm sorry." An Xiaoer sighed, "Forgive me for not telling you how the child got here, and for not telling you about my relationship with Mo Shenhan. It's not that I don't want to tell you, but ...I don't know how to explain it myself."

After wondering for a long time, An Xiaoer didn't say anything in the end.

At the moment, she was very confused, An Xiaoer didn't have the heart to explain, besides, the relationship between her and Mo Shenhan was very strange even to herself, and she didn't know how to explain it to Chu Qingye.

As for who the child's father is, the less people know the better, so An Xiaoer is unwilling to say in the end.

"Xiao'er, do you know that I can't see through you now, you said you wanted to tell me, but after asking me a lot of questions, you told me that you don't know how to explain the matter between you and Mo Shenhan , An Xiaoer, you're actually trying to trick me, aren't you?"

(End of this chapter)

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