Chapter 266 Mo Shenhan, I Like Him
"You're actually trying to trick me, aren't you?" Chu Qingye watched An Xiaoer gossip, but finally asked him a lot of questions, but she didn't say anything, and she became suspicious.

"No, I..." An Xiaoer denied, it wasn't like that.

"Chu Qingye, I'm sorry, my mind is in a mess right now, I don't know what to do." An Xiaoer tapped her forehead.

"You said last night that you will tell me when I get better." Chu Qingye took a sip of water, still staring at the glass in a daze.

Last night was a mess. At that time, An Xiaoer was crying a lot, and Chu Qingye also felt that she loved him, and she was crying for herself.

But what?
Today, An Xiaoer didn't say anything, and Chu Qingye couldn't understand her thoughts again.

"Chu Qingye, look at the broken cup." An Xiaoer suddenly sighed.

She went to sweep the glass shards away.

After sitting down, "It's like that cup, if it's broken, it's broken, and it can't be restored to the original cup. I feel that our relationship is the same."

"Chu Qingye, I used to love you very much, this is true, but too many things happened later, there are many things between us, we can no longer be together. Yes, I admit, I In fact, I still can’t forget you and still have feelings for you, but I feel sorry for you.”

"Besides, our current relationship, Niannian is now five years old, and I am the mother of a child! That is to say, I was pregnant six years ago, and we were still together six years ago! I'm honest Let me tell you, at that time, I was actually pregnant. After that, I avoided you, and then I simply left. I think, whether I still love you or not, I can’t be with you anymore, even if you Forgive me, and I will feel guilty myself."

After thinking for a long time, An Xiaoer said these words.

It was a long, long speech. If Chu Qingye still didn't give up, after hearing these words, he should understand how big the distance is between them!
"Xiao'er!" It seemed to be very painful, Chu Qingye even knew what to say.

"Mo Qingge said that your relationship with Mo Shenhan is unusual, and I don't believe her, so I want to hear from you what your relationship is."

"I like him, we slept before." An Xiaoer replied.

Those few cold words hurt Chu Qingye's heart just like that.

"No wonder...hehehe...but will Mo Shenhan give you the happiness you want? You have to think clearly, if you like to go your own way and you can accept the price, then I wish you good luck."

When he said these words, Chu Qingye's face was already ugly, and he became even paler, and even coughed, and when he coughed, he pulled the wound, and he felt even more painful, and his face was extremely pale.

"Chu Qingye, do you have anything to do?" Looking at Chu Qingye like this, An Xiaoer didn't know what to do, "You wait here, I'll call the doctor."

Saying that, An Xiaoer was about to turn around and leave, but Chu Qingye grabbed hold of her, "I'm fine."

"An Xiaoer, I wish you good luck, but I can't bless you all. You can handle everything yourself! You can go, I will never disturb your life again!"

After saying these words, it seemed as if she was about to sever justice with An Xiaoer, so Chu Qingye simply closed her eyes.

"No, you saved me! How can I leave you alone in the hospital? I want to take care of you, and I'll leave when you recover!" An Xiaoer refused.

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(End of this chapter)

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