The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 289 An's Shares Given by Mo Shenhan

Chapter 289 An's Shares Given by Mo Shenhan

After a little quarrel with An Xiaoer, Mo Shenhan started to get busy. Recently, the date of Xihan Yiyu is getting closer, and the company is much busier than before. This plan is Moyu's main product in the second half of this year, and many of the focus are on it. Put it on top.

At eleven o'clock, An Xiaoer suddenly received a call from An Fengshao.

She really doesn't like this nominal father, but An Xiaoer misses her mother, and her mother has been living in An's house for several days, and she hasn't called her yet.

An Xiaoer wanted to call back, but she was afraid that she would be angry, so she didn't dare to disturb her, and wanted to wait for Xiao Guirong to calm down before calling.

Now, An Fengshao called, and An Xiaoer picked it up, "Hello..."

An Xiaoer didn't say much, just a simple 'Hello'.

Hearing An Xiaoer's not-so-enthusiastic words over there, he didn't want to lose face, and said with a smile, "Xiaoer! How are you doing these few days?"

How are you doing these days?A father who didn't care about her for more than 20 years suddenly asked himself if he was doing well these few days, but he was just saying polite words!
The past few days are actually pretty good. Although I often can't get away with my son alone and can't get busy, but if Lin Xiaoxiao helps in the future, it will be much better, and there is no problem at all.

The days don't change much.

"It's okay, how about you and my mother?" An Xiaoer asked, and said "you" directly, but "father and mother".

Anyone who is careful can hear how disappointed An Xiaoer is with this father after all these years.

"It's okay, your mother is having a good time, and getting along with Man Ran is also very good, Xiao'er, otherwise, you and Nian Nian, come and live in An's house, after all, An's house is your home!" An Feng Shao said enthusiastically.

"Dad, I'm afraid Man Ran will annoy me when the time comes, and you'll feel sorry for me if I bully you back." How could An Xiaoer fail to realize that An Fengshao's words were polite?

I don't know how much I hate her as a daughter, if there is something else, I don't even bother to look at it!


Hearing that An Xiaoer was so ungrateful, An Fengshao was obviously very upset!The good intentions that were pretended now can't be held back!

Suddenly a voice came over, "Xiao'er, you are really going too far, how can you talk to your father like this?"

It was Xiao Guirong, obviously she had been listening to the phone.

"Mom, are you here?" An Xiaoer was a little surprised when she heard her mother's voice.

Surprised that since her mother was here, it was An Fengshao who spoke to her first, not her.

However, An Xiaoer just couldn't hurt the person she cared about. Facing An Fengshao, she could fight back the irony, but her mother couldn't do it!

Maybe mom is still angry with her, so she doesn't want to talk to her, right?
Although An Xiaoer still didn't understand what she did that made her angry, she wanted to do this, but, that was her mother, An Xiaoer could only accept it.

"En." Xiao Guirong responded indifferently, and then said, "Is Nian Nian being good at home these few days?"

"It's quite obedient." An Xiaoer replied, thinking, mother still cares about the child, doesn't she?

"Oh, that's good, you can tell your dad." After saying that, Xiao Guirong handed the phone to An Fengshao.

She doesn't want to say a word to An Xiaoer so much!

"Dad, do you have anything else to do?" An Xiaoer was a little annoyed, she didn't want to talk to An Fengshao at all, so she asked.

"Xiao'er, can you transfer your shares in Anshi to your mother?"

(End of this chapter)

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