Chapter 290 Mom's Bitter Words
"You called me because of this?" An Xiaoer immediately felt ironic when she heard An Fengshao's words.

"Let's forget about this matter. Although I am very good to my mother, you don't want to use my mother to get any benefits from me!"

Although it was said that the An family belonged to the An family, An Xiaoer did not propose Mo Shenhan's request in the first place. It was Mo Shenhan who wanted to do that. He was helping her, and An Xiaoer knew it.

Although he felt that he had made his own way, but at the same time, he was also grateful that he was not an ungrateful person.

As for An's, in fact, An Xiaoer has never thought of coveting anything from An's, but holding some things gives her a certain advantage. An Xiaoer has more or less confidence in front of An's family.

"An Xiaoer, since you have no interest in An's family, why did you ask Mo Shenhan to join Xihan Yiyu? You want An's shares?"

When An Fengshao heard that An Xiaoer disagreed, he was immediately very angry!

Just now, "Xiao'er", "Xiao'er", what about now?When An Xiaoer got angry, she immediately called "An Xiaoer".

His true nature was exposed!
It turned out that this phone call was caused by Mo Shenhan asking for trouble for himself by asking her to own shares in An's before she could join Xihan Yiyu!

An Fengshao was really planning on wishful thinking, his mother was the tool he used to get benefits from her!

"Xiao'er!" Xiao Guirong's voice sounded again, "An's is your father's lifelong painstaking effort, why do you want to occupy a hole and do nothing?"

Xiao Guirong seemed very dissatisfied with the fact that An Xiaoer had An's shares!
Now, An Xiaoer felt a little wronged. After her mother went to An's house, she had already devoted herself to protecting An Fengshao.

Do you really remember her daughter?
It was her who allowed her to marry An Fengshao!How could she have forgotten this?

If it wasn't for her, how could An's become the selected merchant of "Cherish the Cold and a Jade"?

As long as he can get the "Cherish the Cold and One Jade" project, An's will be able to turn around, and even his economic strength will be four or five times that of An's before!
An Fengshao must have known about this, but his mother actually said that he won't do anything to occupy the shares!
"Mom, if it wasn't for me? Could An's join 'Xi Han Yi Yu'? If it wasn't for me, would An Fengshao marry you?"

An Xiaoer was angry and aggrieved for a while, and said such a sentence, but suddenly regretted it. Will this hurt her mother?She has always been glass-hearted!

However, the words had already been spoken, and there was no room for redemption. An Xiaoer could only wait for the outcome.

Besides, she felt that her mother had been brainwashed by An Fengshao during her time at An's house?

Mom seems to have a very bad opinion of her, very bad!

Although her mother was not good to her when she was nice to her, An Xiaoer felt that after she returned to An's house, she really changed!
That was the man she had been thinking about all her life. An Xiaoer was considerate of her and didn't want to argue with her, but her mother seemed to have forgotten that she was her daughter all her life!

O only daughter!

An Xiaoer was always very heartbroken. Although she kept telling herself that she had to forgive her mother, she had to forgive her mother, but sometimes the resentment would explode, so in the end, those words came back!

"Okay, don't talk about it, even without you, Man Ran can still get the project of 'Xi Han Yi Yu'!"

An Xiaoer has always been considerate of Xiao Guirong, but Xiao Guirong said this, words that could send An Xiaoer into hell!
(End of this chapter)

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