The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 292 Don't Hurt Yangyang, I Promise You!

Chapter 292 Don't Hurt Yangyang, I Promise You!

When An Xiaoer saw that photo, she was terrified, son, her son!
Isn't her son in kindergarten?
This morning, she also saw Lin Xiaoxiao sending the child to school, and almost let Mo Shenhan see the child, which made her terrified!

But now, after ten o'clock in the morning, she saw a photo of her son who didn't know where she was. Seeing him being tied up and covered in blood, An Xiaoer's heart was really scared!

Son, don't worry!
At this moment, she was alone in the office, An Xiaoer looked at Mo Shenhan's empty place, and thought of An Fengshao asking her to steal the design, An Xiaoer shook her head!
An Fengshao came prepared. When he called her, his son had already had an accident!
That's her child, and An Fengshao's grandson!
How could he do something that was inferior to pigs and dogs!
An Xiaoer's whole heart panicked!
He hurriedly called home, hoping that Lin Xiaoxiao would be at home.

The phone was connected. Fortunately, Lin Xiaoxiao was at home. An Xiaoer quickly asked, "Xiaoxiao, where is the child? At school or where?"

An Xiaoer was obviously in a hurry, and the voice of the question was a little anxious.

Lin Xiaoxiao felt something was wrong when she heard An Xiaoer's appearance, "I'm sending her to school! Xiaoer, what's wrong? Could something be wrong?"

An Xiaoer didn't have time to say anything more, "Something may have happened to Yangyang, I'll call the school right away, first things first, stay at home and don't run around, if someone knocks on the door, don't open it, lock the door behind you, Don't open the door no matter who, I'll call you, you open it again!"

Because of nervousness and fear, An Xiaoer hung up the phone as soon as she finished speaking.

Immediately afterwards, he called the school, but the head teacher said, "Nian Nian was picked up by his grandparents just now. They said that something happened at home, what's wrong?"

An Xiaoer's pupils suddenly widened, "Teacher, in the future, if someone else asks for leave to take away the child besides me, please don't agree, or ask me first!"

An Xiaoer said, but thought that as long as she had some power, the kindergarten would not be able to stop her at all!

An Xiaoer is very anxious and helpless now, it seems that she is really not a good mother, she should not keep the child by her side!

She is not capable of protecting the child at all, and she is not worthy of taking the child with her at all. If the child returns to Mo Shenhan's side, will nothing happen?

Thinking of this, An Xiaoer was suddenly scared and reluctant, no, the child belongs to her, the child she gave birth to, the flesh that fell from her body, she can't let Mo Shenhan snatch her son away!
An Xiaoer was flustered. When she was flustered, she didn't know what she was doing for a long time!What are you thinking!All of a sudden nodding, all of a sudden shaking his head.

Thinking of the injuries on the child, An Xiaoer's heart ached even more. The child is only five years old!
Moreover, the child has An Fengshao's blood on his body. It is his grandfather. How can he be so inhuman that he even hurt his own grandson!
Suddenly thinking of six years ago, when An Fengshao asked him to sleep with the old man, An Xiaoer felt ironic!
As expected, I underestimated him too much. He is such a hateful person, what can't he do?
This kind of insane person should stay in prison for the rest of his life and cannot come out to harm others!Or, enter the eighteenth level of hell!
After An Xiaoer's heart gradually stabilized, he called An Fengshao, "Don't hurt the child, I promise you."

(End of this chapter)

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