Chapter 293
"Hehe, this is my good daughter!" Upon hearing An Xiaoer's words, An Fengshao laughed.

An Xiaoer was so angry that she was dying!

"This is also my good father! You better not touch my son, you can't afford it! Let me remind you!" An Xiaoer warned.

After all, the child is Mo Shenhan's child, he has moved Mo Shenhan, and still wants the order of "cherish the cold and one jade"?There are no doors!
What's more, I don't even know how to die by then!
If An Fengshao knew that the child actually belonged to Mo Shenhan, he would definitely be scared to death, and the child would be fine. However, An Xiaoer was also afraid that after An Fengshao found out that he was Mo Shenhan's son, he would take advantage of it. Relationships do something that she can't think of, unpredictable things.

Therefore, An Xiaoer would not speak out, she could only warn her as a threat.

"Cut, don't threaten me, just you? Don't be funny!" An Fengshao laughed, thinking that An Xiaoer was so stupid to say such things to him!

"I can get the blueprint for you, but I will go home at noon to see that the child is safe and sound!"

"No problem, as long as you get the drawings done, everything will be easy to talk about." An Fengshao's cold snort came from the other side.

After hanging up the phone, An Xiaoer looked at the office. She was the only one. Mo Shenhan seemed to have something to do, and she had been there for a while.

Lin Xi hasn't seen anyone since she finished cleaning and went out. She doesn't know why she went there.

An Xiaoer looked at the USB flash drive in her hand and hesitated for a long time, but she didn't know whether she should do that or not.

If Mo Shenhan knew, what should he do?
Besides, this is tantamount to stealing, and she will be held legally responsible. Even if she is not found by then, or Mo Shenhan kindly lets her go, An Xiaoer will feel bad in her heart, and will be tormented by the bottom line of morality .

I am really not a good person, nor a good woman!
Those ordinary lives, I used to think about marrying the person I love and living a simple and happy life, but now it is so difficult!
Is this God's arrangement?

But this is really not the life An Xiaoer wants!
After hesitating for a long time, An Xiaoer was unwilling to take this step, but thinking of the photos in her phone, Yangyang was lying in a strange place uncomfortable, her whole body was tied up...

An Xiaoer's heart was pondered, and finally she felt sorry for her son, and chose to walk towards Mo Shenhan's position.

After searching, An Xiaoer found the design drawings.

Once opened, but can not open, need a password!
An Xiaoer didn't know the password at all, she tried several times, but it was wrong, she was confused for a long time, thinking of her son.

Will Mo Shenhan use his son's birthday as a password?
Mo Shenhan treats his son so badly, shouldn't he?However, An Xiaoer tried it, and it turned out, yes!
For some reason, after knowing Mo Shenhan's password, it was her son's birthday, and she felt warm in her heart, thinking: Mo Shenhan is not so bad!

After all, he remembered his son's birthday, and used his son's birthday as a password!

So, is he cold on the outside and hot on the inside?Is it true that he actually cares about his son, but he is not good at expressing it?

An Xiaoer shook her head, because Mo Shenhan was really bad to her son, so she denied this fact!

"Mo Shenhan, don't blame me. I took these things to save your son, didn't I?" An Xiaoer murmured in her heart, so she copied the things into three or four design drafts.

(End of this chapter)

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