Chapter 299 Mom, Go to Dad for Help!
An Xiaoer never expected that Mo Ruiyang would ask such a question, and she was taken aback immediately, "Yangyang, maybe the environment where my mother grew up is different from others, it's meaningless for us to ask this question, so let's stop here Bar!"

Even the child thinks that he is a picked child?I don't think it's real!
After all, how could biological parents have the heart to do this to their biological children?
An Xiaoer sighed.

"Mom, what did that old man tell you to do? Mom, tell Dad, Dad will take care of it, don't be manipulated by that nasty old man!" Mo Ruiyang said rationally.

"Yangyang, I don't want your father to know that there is another child. I can't afford that price."

It seems that with Yangyang, he can always express his thoughts very well. Yangyang is also a caring little padded jacket, who understands her very well, and will not do anything impulsively.

"But Mom, why don't you think that Dad will be happy if he finds out? Maybe the result is good?"

Mo Ruiyang felt that his father was just indifferent. Besides, didn't his father always have contact with his mother?
It was the first time he saw his father always running towards a woman!
Fortunately, that woman is his mother.

"Yang, but I can't afford to lose."

Mo Ruiyang found that he couldn't persuade his mother, so he didn't continue talking. After chatting for a while, he hung up the phone.

Knowing that the child was fine, An Xiaoer breathed a sigh of relief, and checked the time, it was 11:30.

An Xiaoer is always thinking about the USB drive in her hand, wondering what to do, should she just hand it over to An Fengshao?Just let him manipulate it?
No, those things are the fruits of other people's hard work. Why should they be given to An Fengshao? Can he get them without paying anything?
An Xiaoer didn't want to help the bad guys, or be an accomplice.

During this period of time, I have learned some designs from Lu Moxuan. An Xiaoer is not capable of designing great works, but An Xiaoer knows how to destroy!

If a good work is destroyed a little worse, but some of the original things are kept, then An Fengshao shouldn't be able to see it?
Just do it, An Xiaoer opened the USB flash drive, opened the Jingdiao software, and started to destroy.

It was originally a very good opinion design work, An Xiaoer observed it, for example, inexplicably cut off half of the work, or turned the round into an ellipse!

An Xiaoer knows all these things!
Besides, she did it very carefully, and most people really can't see it. Besides, who can really judge good or bad works?

At that time, An Xiaoer said that she stole this thing from Mo Yu. Didn't An Fengshao half-believe it, and could only trust her in the end?
An Xiaoer has this kind of recalcitrant mentality, she always likes to play tricks.

The stolen works have all been processed. Basically, some have eight images, and some even only have three images!

In that case, An Fengshao would not be able to threaten the Moyu Group at all!

After doing this, it was time to get off work, and An Xiaoer got off work a little nervously.

When I got home, I saw Xiao Guirong and An Fengshao waiting for someone downstairs in the community. An Xiaoer tightened her body and handed him the USB flash drive in her hand.

"I've finished everything, I hope, after this time, it will be over!" An Xiaoer took a deep breath.

(End of this chapter)

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