The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 300 Yangyang is seriously ill!Hurry up hurry up!

Chapter 300 Yangyang is seriously ill!Hurry up hurry up!
An Fengshao took the flash drive and smiled triumphantly, "Do you think you have any use value?"

Full of irony!
An Xiaoer was really going to die of anger.

Seeing Xiao Guirong standing aside without even saying a word for herself, An Xiaoer's heart ached immediately, "Mom, I want to ask you a question, am I really your biological daughter?"

This is the question that Mo Ruiyang raised just now, and now An Xiaoer is also questioning Xiao Guirong's words!
When Xiao Guirong heard this, she was immediately very upset. Just as she was about to speak, An Fengshao stopped immediately, as if she was afraid that what Xiao Guirong would say would cause trouble.

"Look at the good daughter you gave birth to. Now tell me directly that you are not her biological mother. What do you want to do with such a daughter?"

The question she was supposed to ask was broken like this, An Xiaoer was a little annoyed, looking at her mother, she was really desperate because of what happened today!

At that time, I went to pick up my children from school, and Xiao Guirong was also there.

If it weren't for her presence, the teacher wouldn't let the child go by letting down his vigilance!

Actually, this matter was allowed by Xiao Guirong.

An Xiao'er thought it was because of this man that she really lost her mind!

However, An Xiaoer was really desperate for this mother who had been her relative for so many years.

She even did too many things for her, but at this moment, An Xiaoer was really disappointed.

"Mom, I'm sorry. I'm very disappointed now. I can't forgive you for what you did to your children. Anyway, Niannian is also your grandson. Not only did you not stop An Fengshao from doing such things, but you also helped him to help the evildoers ! This, I really can't bear it!"

An Xiaoer looked at her mother and said this cruelly, "Mom, this is the last time I will call you mother. I wish you all happiness in the future. I will never pay for your happiness again. Take care!"

An Xiaoer put aside such words!

An Fengshao never thought that An Xiaoer would say such a thing to Xiao Guirong one day, it was very surprising.

Seeing An Xiaoer turn around and leave after saying this, and finally disappear from their sight, An Fengshao snorted coldly.

"She is really your good daughter. Over the years, she has done a lot of things for you. Now this pawn is abolished, but it has no use value. Let's see, what should we do?" Let her hand over An's shares."

"Although she said she wanted to sever friendship with me, she hasn't really reached that point yet!" Xiao Guirong said.



An Xiaoer returned home, and as soon as she opened the door, she saw Lin Xiaoxiao staring at her through the door, she couldn't help feeling a little funny, "Where's Yangyang?"

"He accidentally fell asleep just now." Lin Xiaoxiao said.

When An Xiaoer heard this, she hurried over to look, only to see Yangyang lying down on the sofa and falling asleep.

The son fell asleep at this time, An Xiaoer was a little surprised, went up to look, there were still some wounds on his fingers, when he pulled up his clothes, there were also some wounds, but luckily the wounds were not serious.

But An Xiaoer's heart hurts.

That is her son!An Xiaoer's heart ached to death.

"Yangyang, wake up!" An Xiaoer pushed Mo Ruiyang, but he didn't wake up at all.

On weekdays, Yangyang knew that her mother was coming back, so she definitely wouldn't sleep, instead she would wait for her mother to come back.

Could it be that there is something wrong with the child?An Xiaoer shook Mo Ruiyang, and then touched his forehead. It was cold, and An Xiaoer was startled.

(End of this chapter)

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