Chapter 490

"It's okay, Uncle Zhou, you're idle if you're idle, let's help!" Seeing Uncle Zhou's politeness and An Xiaoer's eagerness to help, Mo Shenhan opened his mouth.

"This..." Hearing what Mo Shenhan said, Uncle Zhou didn't know what to do, "Master, these are rough jobs, how can I let you do them?"

However, An Xiaoer had already started to take back the plates she had eaten, "It's okay, we can do it."

Since An Xiaoer and Mo Shenhan wanted to help, Uncle Zhou couldn't say anything, he could only ask them to serve the noodles to the guests.

"Uncle Zhou, are these your son and daughter-in-law?" A guest saw how diligently they were helping here, so he asked, "Hey, you are so lucky, your son and daughter-in-law are all grown up!"

Uncle Zhou smiled from ear to ear, "No, it's just that I watched one grow up."

"If Uncle Zhou has such a son, he will wake up laughing from his dreams!"

An Xiaoer covered her mouth and snickered, she didn't say anything, Mo Shenhan was also helping, seeing him running around with bowls and chopsticks, who would have thought that the man who is holding the plate is actually the president of a listed company Is it possible that some people will not be able to make money in an hour's business talk?

Slowly, the people had almost left, Mo Shenhan went to wash his hands, took off his apron, and returned to his usual non-human appearance.

Uncle Zhou brought over two bowls of noodles, "Master, Miss An, eat quickly and help me this morning, are you tired?"

As he said that, tears welled up in Uncle Zhou's eyes, "Master, I'm actually very happy today."

Mo Shenhan smiled, "Uncle Zhou, these are nothing, they are just trivial matters, it's good to just exercise and learn something here with you, isn't it good?"

Zhou Bo wept with joy.

After eating noodles and chatting some more, Mo Shenhan took An Xiaoer away.

"Since it's a two-person world, how about going to the movies?" An Xiaoer blinked, looked at Mo Shenhan and asked.

"Watching a movie?" Mo Shenhan raised his eyebrows, "What do you want to watch?"

"Frozen." An Xiaoer said, this movie was said to be very good, but she never had the chance to watch it!
"This movie has already been released, right?" Mo Shenhan looked at An Xiaoer and said helplessly.

"Anyway, I want to watch this movie, Mo Shenhan, you can find a way, if it doesn't work, let's just find a place and watch it with our mobile phone?" An Xiaoer is not picky, if she wants to watch this movie, as long as she can see it , it can be viewed in any way.

"Tsk tsk, it's so shabby..." Hearing An Xiaoer's suggestion, Mo Shenhan looked at her with disgust, and I was so speechless!
An Xiaoer thought to herself, is it so strange?

In the end, Mo Shenhan dragged her to the box of the movie theater, and finally made An Xiaoer watch Frozen as she wished.

"Want something to eat or drink?" Mo Shenhan asked An Xiaoer.

After all, there is nothing to watch a movie, so boring, isn't it?
An Xiaoer thought for a while, "Coke, potato chips, popcorn!"

These things are what many people like when watching movies!Of course, An Xiaoer likes it too. Although generally speaking, everyone watches it in the cinema hall instead of such a private room, but An Xiaoer still thinks these are indispensable.

(End of this chapter)

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