Chapter 491 To Drink Warm Coke, The Way

When An Xiaoer said this, Mo Shenhan nodded and went to buy it. After a while, the item finally arrived.

An Xiaoer chose popcorn first, because she likes to eat it, but after eating it, she felt that it was too dry, so she planned to take the drink to drink.

However, Mo Shenhan refused to let her drink it, "Wait a minute, this Coke is cold."

Mo Shenhan bought two glasses of Coke, but in the end, Mo Shenhan put it in his mouth, and finally delivered it to An Xiaoer's mouth.

An Xiaoer felt baffled, but Mo Shenhan really liked these little things!I feel in my heart that this is inevitable, too...

They were watching a movie after all...

Drink a Coke, why do you have to be so flirtatious?
After drinking Mo Shenhan and feeding him several mouth-to-mouth Cokes, An Xiaoer's face turned red like a red apple, her heart was beating non-stop, "Mo Shenhan, you, I Can I drink it by myself?"

Mo Shenhan shook his head, "This stuff is cold, you're coming to your aunt soon, you can't drink cold stuff."

Originally thought that Mo Shenhan was flirting!But it turned out to be this?

An Xiaoer suddenly felt that she was too impure, always thinking about what was there and what was not, hey, hey, fortunately she didn't speak too bluntly, and didn't say that Mo Shenhan was really teasing a lot, otherwise, this What a shame!
An Xiaoer nodded, "Ahem, Mo Shenhan, but I can't get enough of it!"

Drinking slowly like this one sip at a time, and drinking until your face turns red and your heart beats, not only is it not satisfying, but the more you drink, the thirstier you become, the more you drink, the hotter you get!

After all, which woman is kissed and teased by the man she loves, of course she can't stand it, okay?

Mo Shenhan looked at An Xiaoer like a cute little white rabbit, with big eyes and a pure and harmless appearance, and thought she was extremely cute.

Immediately, he smiled evilly, lowered his head, and underestimated in An Xiaoer's ear, "This is not fun, then, let's have some fun."

As she said that, she suddenly kissed An Xiaoer's ear, and slowly teased her there.

An Xiaoer felt that the place Mo Shenhan kissed was hot and hot, making her whole body itchy, and a kind of electric current was transmitted to her heart, which made An Xiaoer hum unconsciously. There was a sigh.

"En..." An Xiaoer couldn't help but sighed softly.

This soft panting made Mo Shenhan feel hot all over, feeling swollen and uncomfortable.

In the movie, the queen with magic began to escape from the palace. It was originally the summer season, but because of the magic, everything turned into icebergs and snow.

The queen fled to a high mountain peak, and even used magic to pile ice and snow out of the bridge, and piled up a majestic palace. The scene was extremely spectacular.

But the two people who hugged and kissed each other didn't have time to pay attention to the picture of the movie. The sound of the movie was also mixed with the sound of panting, which made the private space even more ambiguous.

"Baby... I can't help it..."

Mo Shenhan hugged An Xiaoer, and the kiss slowly spread down to the neck, leaving strawberries there...

The fiery atmosphere slowly spread in this private space, and the projection screen on the movie was still playing animation, mixed with the panting sounds of the two people, ambiguous and sweet, and a few beautiful hours...

(End of this chapter)

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