The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 649 Xiao Guirong's Daughter, The Truth!

Chapter 649 Xiao Guirong's Daughter, The Truth!
Originally, he wanted to mock An Xiaoer, but at this time, An Xiaoer actually gave such an answer, which made An Manran speechless!
"Hehehe..." An Manran was surprised, but then, she didn't know what to say, "An Xiaoer, it turns out that you have been hiding things so deeply, and you really are very scheming!"

At this moment, An Manran was as limp as an eggplant beaten by frost.

Maybe it's because she's tired, or maybe she's worried about An Xiaoer's current status, because she has Mo Shenhan backing her up, so she has a look of panic and fear on her face, "Tell me, what do you want from me."

Liu Jingcheng was on the side, and when he heard An Xiaoer's words, his heart skipped a beat. Is An Xiaoer's child Mo Shenhan's?

This is really...

They always called that child a bastard before!
Unexpectedly, his father turned out to be Mo Shenhan who can scare people by stomping his feet in City B. This is really a terrible thing.

"If you have something to say, tell me quickly! An Xiaoer, with your current status, we mother and daughter, you really don't dare to offend!" Liu Jingcheng said this, with a sour taste in her words.

An Xiaoer didn't come here to show off her status, but she was too satirized by them, so she just said it.

"My mother is looking for you." An Xiaoer said, looking at An Manran, "Come with me to her ward!"

An Xiaoer actually didn't like her going, because An Xiaoer was worried that An Manran would make Xiao Guirong angry.

She was not in good health and just woke up from surgery, but she couldn't stand someone like An Manran.

However, Xiao Guirong insisted on seeing An Manran, so An Xiaoer had no choice but to come to her.

"Your mother, looking for me?" An Manran was stunned again, the smile on her lips was a little forced, "Is your mother okay? What is she looking for me for?"

"She said, I want to discuss with you about An's property. I don't know the details. This should be about you, my mother, and An Fengshao." An Xiaoer raised her eyebrows and said this words.

"Property?" An Manran was even more puzzled, she didn't dare to laugh at her now, she just looked at An Xiaoer vigilantly, without thinking about anything, she left with An Xiaoer.

Nonsense, since it's about property, An Manran naturally wants to go, it's about money after all, how dare An Manran neglect it.

If she didn't go, she wouldn't get a cent of An's money, so what would she do?
An Xiaoer watched An Manran go with her, smiled in satisfaction, did not speak, and finally the two left.

An Xiao'er knows An Manran's temperament. She loves money, wealth, and influence so much. When she hears the word "property", it is impossible not to go!
An Xiaoer took advantage of the greed of human nature to deceive An Manran.

In the ward, An Manran looked at Xiao Guirong with a frivolous expression and squinted eyes.

"Are you looking for me?" Although it was a rhetorical question, I really thought in my heart that I should hurry up and finish listening to what she said about property so that I could leave as soon as possible.

An Manran didn't like to be with this woman, and it would be annoying if she stayed with her for a second.

An Manran was annoyed by An Xiaoer and Xiao Guirong, and of course An Xiaoer also hated them.

Looking at her gaze, she didn't say a word, she just sat beside Mo Shenhan and watched.

Xiao Guirong looked at An Manran, and the expression on her face immediately became very happy, "Manran, I want to tell you something, in fact, you are not Liu Jingcheng's daughter, you are mine, you are my daughter! "

(End of this chapter)

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