The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 650 The Child Bought From Traffickers

Chapter 650 The Child Bought From Traffickers
"Daughter, I'm sorry, I've kept this matter from you for so many years!" After saying that, Xiao Guirong burst into tears with excitement!
An Manran was very surprised when she heard Xiao Guirong's words, "You, what nonsense are you talking about?"

She was baffled, "Where is this all going? I said, have you been hit by a car and confused? I am An Manran, am I the daughter of someone like you? I have a mother, my mother, It's Liu Jingcheng!"

An Manran seemed to have heard a joke, "Just you, your mistress, I really feel ashamed to be the daughter of a mistress!"

An Manran didn't believe Xiao Guirong's words at all, the smile on the corner of her lips mocked and she didn't believe it, but, because of her words, her face became ugly!

"Mom, you, what did you say?" Hearing Xiao Guirong's words, An Xiaoer froze on the spot, "You said, An Manran is your daughter?"

Which one is this?
"You mean, is she my sister?"

An Xiaoer asked like this, but she didn't know how to sort out this relationship at all.

Moreover, intuitively speaking, this is not the case. Since Xiao Guirong treats An Manran so well, but treats An Xiaoer so strangely, then the matter may not necessarily be that way.

An Xiaoer was dumbfounded for a moment, she didn't know what was going on, and she couldn't accept this fact at all.

"Sister? Who is your sister? What nonsense are you talking about?" Hearing An Xiaoer's words about sister, An Manran's face immediately turned ugly, "An Xiaoer, stop dreaming, how can you and I be the same person?" Damn it!"

"Yes, yes, An Xiaoer and you were not born by the same mother, because you are my daughter, but An Xiaoer is not my daughter!"

Hearing that An Manran didn't like the relationship with An Xiaoer, Xiao Guirong immediately said such a sentence.

An Xiaoer's face turned pale immediately!

"Mom, what did you say?" An Xiaoer was stunned when she heard Xiao Guirong's words. What's going on?

"Mom, do you say I'm not your daughter? Mom? Are you really stunned? I'm not your daughter. Whose daughter am I? Mom, you raised me! Mom, what are you doing?" What are you talking about?"

An Xiaoer's face turned blue and purple. At this moment, she didn't know how to describe that surprise at all!
Rest in peace, I don't know what Xiao Guirong means, what is going on here?
In fact, An Xiaoer occasionally had this idea, but she dismissed it immediately.

However, at the moment Xiao Guirong said that she was not Xiao Guirong's daughter, An Xiaoer immediately didn't know what to do!

"You're really not my daughter. Do you know how much I hate you these years? Every time I see you, I think of my daughter. When I think of my daughter, I get angry when I want to call someone else's mother. So, since you were young, I have never been nice to you, "

"You were bought by An Fengshao from a human trafficker. I don't know whose daughter you are! In short, I am not your mother. My daughter is Man Ran. She is my daughter who worked so hard to conceive ten years ago. What Yue gave birth to was a piece of flesh that fell from my body!"

When Xiao Guirong said these words, she didn't look at An Xiao'er directly, but looked at An Manran with a loving face, "Manran, you are really mother's child, back then..."

(End of this chapter)

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