The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 651 I Will Not Recognize You as My Mother

Chapter 651 I Will Not Recognize You as My Mother

"Back then, do you know? When your father and I were in a relationship, he met Liu Jingcheng. Liu Jingcheng's family background was okay at that time. At that time, he needed money for his career, so she married that woman. Abandon us mother and daughter!"

Liu Jingcheng recounted the general situation of the year.

An Xiaoer's face was pale, she was sitting on the side at the moment, she didn't know what to say, and she didn't leave, but just sat there and listened.

She was very puzzled by her life experience and her sudden change of life experience.

The whole person didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, at this time, Mo Shenhan was with him.

Mo Shenhan didn't speak either, instead, he took An Xiaoer's hand, let her head rest on his shoulder, and gave her time to buffer.

An Xiaoer stared blankly at Xiao Guirong, isn't she her mother?She has called her mother for so many years, but she is not her biological mother?Did you buy it from a trafficker?
What the hell is this?
For a while, An Xiaoer couldn't accept this matter at all.

An Manran was also dumbfounded, listening to Xiao Guirong's words, she was also in a daze.

Xiao Guirong continued to tell the story of that year.

"At that time, Liu Jingcheng and I were both pregnant, but your father married that woman. I was very angry and wanted to make trouble several times, but your father refused to let me go. He said, she did it for Qian was only with Liu Jingcheng for a better life in the future."

"Well, I'm obedient too, and I'll stop making trouble gradually. I just hope the child can be born."

"We were pregnant at about the same time. I gave birth a few days earlier than her. That day, when you were just born, I held you in my arms. Do you know how happy I am?"

"However, after only three days like this, your father forcibly took you away, because Liu Jingcheng had dystocia and her child was stillborn, so your father took you from my It was my child, but it turned into that bitch's child, do you know how painful it is for me? I'm so angry!"

Speaking of this, Xiao Guirong took a few deep breaths, recalling what happened back then, her tears kept flowing.

"During that time, I was in trouble, and your father really couldn't do anything about it. Later, she brought me a child, which she got from a trafficker."

"Anyway, Man Ran, do you know? You are really my mother's daughter. These years, I really miss you, I miss you all the time!" Speaking of this, Xiao Guirong wept again very sadly.

She looked at An Manran, her face was really excited, and she was full of maternal love and compassion.

An Manran couldn't accept this fact at all, "No, it's not like that, it's not like that! You're lying! You woman, you're going to die, you're still talking nonsense here, you're going to hell!"

An Manran was very angry, and immediately cursed Xiao Guirong, "Just you, a woman like you? What qualifications do you have to be my mother, my mother is only one person, and that is Liu Jingcheng, don't talk nonsense, I am I won't believe you! Also, even if what you said is true, I won't recognize you. I don't have a mother like you. It's too embarrassing! I'm the daughter of the An family, not the daughter of some mistress !"

An Manran was very angry. After saying these words, she left without even looking at Xiao Guirong.

"Anran..." Xiao Guirong watched An Manran leave and shouted, but An Manran ignored her at all. She got angry for a moment, and her health, which was not well, suddenly appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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