The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 705 Bring That Woman Into the House

Chapter 705 Bring That Woman Into the House

Listening to these words, An Xiaoer's mind flashed the appearance of Mo Bozhi and Chu Qiao when they were young. At that time, they should also be a couple who loved each other very much!
For the sake of Mo Bozhi, Chu Qiao even did not hesitate to leave home, and resolutely stayed with Mo Bozhi to start a family!

At that time, they should be very in love with each other!
"Mrs. and Ms. have had a quarrel, and their relationship is very tense!

When the husband started his business, the wife even pawned one of her things at that time to support the husband. It was a very precious thing for the wife, and it was also a longing for the family. However, for the sake of the husband, she still gave it to the pawn up!

Obviously they love each other very much, but when they quarrel, they quarrel very fiercely!

At that time, the young master was only two years old...

One day, the husband brought a woman to his wife, and even had a child!
Finally, there is another woman outside, and even, that woman's child is three years older than the young master!

That is to say, two years after the wife and husband were married, and the husband was outside, there was already someone!
The madam was broken at that time, the two of them quarreled more and more fiercely!

I remember that at that time, my wife would cry every day, and my husband seldom went home. "

When Mrs. Qiu said this, she couldn't help sighing, her eyes were full of sadness.

An Xiaoer's heart also made waves, as if the wind was blowing, her body was a little cold, but it was not her body that was cold, but her heart.

Why is this so?They are obviously two people who love each other very much, but why did they slowly change?

An Xiaoer suddenly became a little worried. Will the love between her and Mo Shenhan one day pass away and become such a tragedy?

I hope not, I hope not!An Xiaoer could only hope, but in her heart, she didn't dare to think too much.

"What happened later?" An Xiaoer listened to Mrs. Qiu's words, and both of them became sad, but An Xiaoer still wanted to hear it.

I want to finish listening to this story, and I also want to better understand Mo Bozhi and Chu Qiao, as well as Mo Shenhan's childhood.

"Later, the relationship between Mr. and Mrs. gradually changed. As time passed, Mr.'s business grew bigger and bigger, and the relationship between Mr. and Mrs. became more and more indifferent.

Once, the husband went too far and brought the woman directly to the house. At that time, the young master was also there!Madame felt extremely embarrassed!

On that day, Madam went back to her room early to sleep, and the young master lay down on Madam's bed obediently, and both of them fell asleep there.

The husband suddenly had something to do with business and hurried out, but that day, a fire broke out in the villa, and the blazing fire burned down the whole house!

In that disaster, the madam desperately pushed the young master out, but the madam disappeared in the raging fire. From then on, this matter has always been the pain in the young master's heart.

When the husband and wife had a good relationship, the young master was very happy every day. Later, the wife became worried, and the young master also became depressed. Until the wife left, the young master never smiled again. "

Aunt Qiu recounted this, and sighed deeply. An Xiaoer listened, and unknowingly, also shed tears.

"Sister-in-law Qiu, I asked Mo Shenhan before, but he never told me about these things. Now that I heard about it, I suddenly feel sorry for him..."

(End of this chapter)

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