The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 706 Why did you marry another woman in the end?

Chapter 706 Why did you marry another woman in the end?

Aunt Qiu sighed, "I also feel sorry for the young master, now that the young master has you, I see him much happier than before, and I am very happy for him!"

Aunt Qiu smiled gently, "I hope you and the young master can continue to be happy forever."

An Xiaoer nodded, "Thank you Mrs. Qiu for your blessing, I will, and I will always be with him."

Auntie Qiu smiled.

An Xiaoer looked at Mrs. Qiu, "What happened later? How did that woman become? It seems that Mr. Mo is not marrying that woman."

On this point, An Xiaoer was quite curious, and didn't understand what was going on here.

Moreover, because of Mrs. Qiu's words, An Xiaoer had some improvement in Mo Bozhi's character, he is not as carefree as the legend says, after all, he was once a very dedicated patriotic Chu Qiao.

It's a pity, why did I like it so much at the beginning, but then changed my mind?
Why can't I love it forever?

Is it because of a misunderstanding?A picture of Chu Qiao and a man?what's going on?

No, since Mo Shenlie was already born before Mo Shenhan was born, then things won't be that simple!
Could it be that Mo Bozhi was looking for an excuse to quarrel with Chu Qiao?
An Xiaoer didn't know what was going on here, so she could only analyze and think.

However, as a woman, An Xiaoer felt that it was Mo Bozhi who made the mistake first. After all, he was the one who cheated first!

But, when he cheated, could it be because Chu Qiao had no children at that time?

I really can't understand these things!

Hearing that An Xiaoer asked about Mo Bozhi and that woman, Mrs. Qiu also told An Xiaoer what she knew.

"Not long after my wife passed away, my husband finally married again. However, it was not that woman, but a young lady from the Liu family, who is now his wife. Their relationship is pretty good. of.

As for why the husband didn't marry that woman, I don't know, maybe only the husband knows!

Moreover, the husband and the woman's child have never been brought to the Mo family. It seems that the husband and the woman have another daughter. The husband has been letting them live outside, as if there is a special person to take care of it. I heard that the woman, Later, he died in a car accident, but the husband still didn't take the two children back to live in, but kept them in foster care until a few years ago, he took them back, and after that, he sent them abroad, and now he's back in Mo's house, right? ? "

After sister-in-law Qiu said these words, An Xiaoer understood a little bit about it.

Now, An Xiaoer finally understands why Mo Shenhan hates Mo Shenlie and Mo Qingge so much. There are really too many things involved in this!

It's also fortunate that I came here today and heard what Mrs. Qiu said. With Mo Shenhan's temperament, these words probably won't come out of his mouth in eight lifetimes.

After she was almost busy, An Xiaoer finally went up to the second floor.

At this moment, standing in the corridor on the second floor, the door of Mo Shenhan's room was closed. An Xiaoer stood there for a long time, unable to calm down and go in.

Standing at the door all the time, after knowing those things, An Xiaoer didn't know what to do to communicate with Mo Shenhan properly.

An Xiaoer stood at the door without going in, but the door opened, and Mo Shenhan opened the door.

"Why don't you go in standing still?" Mo Shenhan was taken aback when he saw An Xiaoer when he opened the door.

(End of this chapter)

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