Chapter 716 The Unfilial Daughter
"Manran, how can you let me be the scapegoat?" Xiao Guirong opened his mouth when he heard An Manran say this, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

"Of course it's you who carries it. I'm your daughter. Don't tell me you have the heart to push me into the fire?" An Manran's face turned ugly, looking at Xiao Guirong, she was very unhappy!

"Okay, I'm your mother, I'm not capable, but I love you, since you want to do it, then I'll help you!" Seeing An Manran unhappy, Xiao Guirong finally nodded and agreed to her request.

"Yeah, thank you mom, it's better to be my own mother!" Hearing Xiao Guirong agreed, An Manran laughed immediately.

He still had an angry face just now, but now he is smiling happily. He really changed his face faster than Sun Monkey!

She had a smile on her face, but there was a bit of triumph in her eyes. If it wasn't for the fact that this old thing was useful, she wouldn't be here to take care of her!

Only Xiao Guirong finally smiled happily when she saw An Manran, so she was in a better mood, right?However, An Manran didn't feel anything about these things at all.

Just use it, what needs to be kept in mind?She didn't think Xiao Guirong's doing so was so good, it was all because of her willingness!
"Then, Man Ran, what are you going to do? Can you threaten An Xiaoer or Young Master Mo?" Now that he has agreed, Xiao Guirong and An Manran will make plans.

"I have my own way. You just need to listen to me when the time comes." An Manran heard Xiao Guirong's question, but she simply said a word without revealing her plan at all.

Xiao Guirong looked at her daughter, remained silent, and did not continue to say anything.

An Manran finished her breakfast, threw the lunch box into the trash can, and went out with her bag.

"Manran, where are you going?" Seeing An Manran leaving like this, Xiao Guirong hurriedly asked.

She was a little flustered, and always wanted to spend more time with Man Ran, but An Man Ran always gave her the feeling of indifference and indifference.

"I'll go out for a while. You can rest here. If you have anything to do, just go to the doctor." Hearing Xiao Guirong's question, An Manran just turned her head and said this, and then left like this.

The door, "touched", made Xiao Guirong's heart tremble.

"Hey!" Xiao Guirong sighed, and could only just look at the door like this.

At this moment, she was alone in the ward, feeling an unprecedented loneliness.

It's really uncomfortable!

She thought that it would be good to recognize her daughter, and her daughter also called her mother, but why, in fact, seemed to bring herself into an even more boundless darkness?
At this moment, Xiao Guirong suddenly thought of An Xiaoer. If it was An Xiaoer, An Xiaoer would not treat her like this. Even if An Xiaoer knew that she was not her mother, she still treated her very well.

Why is her biological daughter so indifferent to her?
"It would be great if Manran treated me like An Xiaoer did!" Xiao Guirong said with a sigh.

But then he shook his head again, "My daughter, of course, will be the best. Sooner or later, she will treat me well. It's just because she is not used to it yet."

Some people are used to deceiving themselves and others, always trying to believe their inner voice, but forgetting the cruelty of reality.

(End of this chapter)

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